Responsibility OCD

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Thank you Rainbow_Meifwa for another awesome suggestion :) I hope you all enjoy and remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road

A few weeks had passed since the guardian of negativity became paranoid about the future. After he and Error had been in Outertale, he started thinking of ways that he could alter what happens. Not only that, but he'd also become obsessed with trying to be the best brother ever for Dream. He needed to show Dream how much he loved and cared about him so that he knows he'll never hurt him- plus he should to be a better brother in general, right? Nightmare kept constantly telling himself that he wasn't good enough, that he was a bad brother who couldn't protect Dream.

He knew he was right.

Nightmare sighed, staring up at the beautiful star-filled sky. He had decided to go for a walk while his brother was sleeping and he'd ended up by the lake they loved to visit. It was a perfect night; hundreds of glittering stars dotted the inky, velvet heavens, emitting the faintest starlight- if you looked close enough you'd be able to see a constellation or two. The moon watched over the land, shining like a brilliant pearl and radiating it's rays of moonlight that lit up the whole world in a soft, blueish hue. The guardian was sat beside the lake; his lilac eyes lingered on the spectacle above before he shifted his line of sight onto the pristine waters.

The mirrored moon danced and wavered, disturbed by the dripping of raindrops that slipped down from leaves- it had rained earlier that day. Nightmare smiled slightly, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of crickets and fluttering of leaves in the calm wind. His smile soon fell as his mind began to wander back to the dream his brother had and the future that the potion revealed to him. It scared him.

The guardian reopened his eyes and peered down into the lake at his reflection. He looked the same, though his eyes were more dull and had dark rings around them signifying a lack of sleep. He didn't notice the teardrops that built up in his eye-sockets until a single one rolled down his cheek and dripped into the lake, emitting a quiet 'splash'. Frustrated with himself, he vigorously rubbed his eye-sockets with the sleeve of his shirt to rid away the lilac tears. He shouldn't be crying.

With one last sigh, Nightmare clicked his fingers and teleported outside of Dream's bedroom door. He placed a hand on the handle and silently pushed down and opened it, stepping into the room as quietly as possible so as not to wake his brother. He stood before Dream, making sure he was alright. He'd been doing that a lot recently, afraid that one day he won't be there or he won't be okay. But not tonight- Dream's here and Dream's safe. That's all that matters now.

A faint smile graced his face as he turned away, exiting the room and shutting the door behind him with a small 'click'. He lingered by the door for a few seconds before treading towards his bedroom.

Dream knew his brother kept checking on him. The guardian opened his eyes and exhaled, a sad and distant look in his golden-yellow eyes. He was happy that the other guardian cared so much yet at the same time it pained him to see the other be so worried and paranoid about his well-being. Nightmare keeps trying to be a better version of himself each day and Dream doesn't entirely know why however he's certain it has to do with the visions of the future and himself. He wished he didn't say anything about the nightmare he had to his brother. The guardian of positivity closed his eyes and curled up slightly under the covers, blocking out the tears that glazed his eye-sockets.

'Morning already' Nightmare mused, fumbling with the bed cover and heaving himself out of bed. He let out a loud yawn and stretched his arms, listening to them crack. The clock says it's five in the morning. He had been waking up a lot earlier now since Dream usually got up at this ridiculous time. The guardian shuffled towards the window, peeking through at the pretty blend of colours in the sky before drawing the curtains closed. Sunsets are far more prettier.

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