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Another cheerful oneshot before I get onto my next request. Brush your teeth before you cross the road. I hope you all know what I-spy is.

"Found you!" Dream exclaimed, giggling happily as he peered through a bush at his brother. Nightmare smirked and practically leaped out of the bush, running away from Dream. The two had been playing hide and seek tag for almost an hour now, lost in their own little world. Dream wasted no time in chasing after his brother, giggling to himself.

"You can't outrun me!" Dream proclaimed between breaths of laughter, catching up to Nightmare.

Nightmare chuckled. He was much faster than Dream, after all he'd had a lot of practice running away. He shook his head, not wanting to dwell on that thought for too long. He gradually slowed his pace though, allowing his brother to catch up quickly. Dream's smile widened as he caught up, tagging Nightmare's shoulder.

"Got you!" Dream declared victoriously, panting slightly from all of the running. The two guardians came to a halt, both laughing softly and catching their breath.

"Hey, how about we do something else now?" Nightmare suggested once he'd caught his breath. Dream hummed thoughtfully.

"Okay!" he agreed eagerly. "But what shall we do?"

Nightmare shrugged, contemplating. "We could climb the Tree of Feelings and play I-spy?"

Dream seemed to approve of this idea, nodding ecstatically with starry eyes.

"That's a great idea!" He praised. "Race you up the tree!" 

Nightmare rolled his eyes, clicking his fingers and teleporting to a sturdy branch instantaneously. Dream whined, yelling something about cheating before copying his brother and teleporting besides him, taking a seat on the branch. Nightmare grinned, sitting next to him. They had a clear view of the land below- perfect for I-spy.

"I'm starting!" Dream announced, not waiting for Nightmare to reply. "I spy with my little eye something green."

Nightmare glanced downwards at the grass; surely it wouldn't be something as simple as that. He observed his surroundings carefully.

"Leaves?" He guessed.



"Nope!" Dream giggled.

Nightmare tilted his head, sparing another glance downwards.


Dream nodded enthusiastically. "That took you ages to guess- I am really good at this game!" He proudly stated. Nightmare sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.

"My turn." Nightmare voiced, once again observing his surroundings before focusing on something fluttering delicately nearby.

"I spy with my eye-"

"Little eye!" Dream huffed.

"I spy with my little eye something white."

Dream looked around thoughtfully.





Dream let out another huff, about to whine about it being too difficult before being interrupted by something landing on the tip of his non-existent nose.

"Butterfly?" he mumbled to himself, staring at the pretty insect. Nightmare grinned.

"Yeah, you got it." He answered, wafting the butterfly off of Dream's face.

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