Start Again

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The party warily approached Dream and Nightmare's ruined home after an hour or so of walking and checking for any sign of the corrupted guardian.

"Do you think he'll still be here?" Bonnie asked, staring up at Dream with uneasy eyes.

Dream frowned, patting the fidgety bunny on the head as reassurance. 

"I'm not sure, Bonnie." He answered slowly, switching his gaze between the house and the rabbit. "I hope so, though."

Ink examined the devastation done to the house, noting the broken window and unhinged door. Not to mention all of the bits of rubble- what in the stars happened here?

"This poor house." He pouted, running his hand along the bricks.

"Are you done being dramatic?" Error huffed, gaining the artist's attention. "Let's just go in already- we shouldn't be delaying this."

"Error's right, let's go." Dream agreed, stepping towards the slanted door that sat ajar. He lightly pushed it, causing a low, unsettling creaking sound- and then the door suddenly gave way, collapsing forward onto the ground. Dream tensed, jumping back slightly in alarm.

"Great, as if things couldn't get any more scary." The destroyer grumbled, the 'ERROR' signs flickering a little more than usual.

Dream took a deep breath and bravely entered the house, the rest of the party following close behind. The living room quickly came into view and Dream felt his heart drop. There was no sign of his brother, only remnants of the positivity-infused strings scattered across the carpet.

"He's not here." The guardian spoke softly.

Blue gently placed his gloved hand on Dream's shoulder as a way of comforting the distraught guardian. 

"Don't worry, Dream- we'll find him eventually!" He tried to encourage, offering a weak smile. 

Dream didn't say anything in response, instead keeping his eyes fixated on the strings. 

"Hey- what's that?" Bonnie asked curiously, hopping forwards and gesturing towards some kind of torn cloth- it was smothered in the same gunk that coated Nightmare.

Dream's dull eyes lazily trailed over to whatever Bonnie had found and then widened in recognition. He tentatively approached the stained, lilac cloth and crouched down beside it.

"That's his cape!" Blue exclaimed, rushing over to the two and scooping it up. 

"Blue- be careful, it's covered in the negative goop." Ink warned, joining the trio.

Blue scoffed, shaking the bits of cape frantically as if it would magically remove all of the goo. Well- it removed some of it.

"Give me that." Dream huffed, taking the tattered cape from Blue and wandering off into the kitchen.

Error inwardly groaned. He just wanted to find Nightmare and fix this mess- though he supposed the cape could help them. He still couldn't understand how talking to someone could save them, it just didn't make sense. If someone tried to save him from evil by talking to him, he wouldn't listen to them so why would Nightmare?

Error faltered. But what if it was his friends trying to save him? Maybe he would listen after all.

"Friends?" Error mumbled to himself, furrowing his non-existent eyebrows in bewilderment.

What a silly thought, these aren't his friends. Only Nightmare is his friend. The sudden sound of glass shattering startled the destroyer out of his confusing thoughts.

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