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Brush your teeth before you cross the road

Dream stumbled over himself as he darted towards the fruit and vegetable store, feeling a wave of panic wash over him. Bonnie has got to be okay- out of all the villagers, surely Nightmare wouldn't hurt the purple bunny.

Then again, Nightmare seemed to be perfectly fine with killing his brother.

Dream choked back a sob, skidding out of the street and into the village centre. He felt constricted- as if the air was trying to strangle him and his breathing began to quicken until it was painful. Bonnie is fine. He'll be okay. Just because he could no longer sense the positivity doesn't mean he's in trouble. His mind was scattered- he could barely remember which direction to go. Taking a deep, shaky breath, the guardian turned in the direction of the store and broke out into a frantic sprint.

He ran as fast as his legs would allow him, disregarding the aching pain and the stinging of the rain that continued to pelt him like bullets.

Bonnie's okay. Bonnie's okay. Bonnie's okay.

As long as he keeps telling himself that, it'll be fine.

As soon as the guardian made it to the store he wasted no time in forcefully swinging his foot at the door, kicking it open and barging in.

"Bonnie?" He called out, hastily scanning the room and behind the counter where he usually liked to hide.

To his dismay, there was no purple bunny. Dream held back a sob, trying to remain composed. If he's not down here then maybe he's hiding in their apartment above the shop. That's a reasonable explanation- and it would possibly explain why he can't sense the positivity. Nodding to himself, Dream fumbled with the door until it opened and hurriedly stepped through, hurtling up the stairs that led to Bonnie and his mother's apartment.

"Bonnie?" Dream called out again once he'd reached the top of the stairs.

For a few seconds it was completely silent until a quiet, fearful voice responded.

"Dream?" Bonnie popped his head up from behind the couch, peering at the guardian with anxious, ruby-red eyes and droopy ears.

Dream let out a relieved, broken laugh, rushing over to the rabbit and wrapping him in a warm embrace.

"I thought something had happened to you- I was so scared." Dream stammered, sniffling and finally letting his tears fall.

Bonnie returned the hug, burying his face into Dream's shirt.

"Something did happen." Bonnie whimpered causing Dream to freeze.

The bunny pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears away, peering up at the guardian with watery eyes.

"What happened?" Dream asked worriedly, taking a seat on the couch and patting the space next to him. Bonnie hopped onto the couch beside the other and hugged his legs to his chest.

"Someone came into the store- I think it was Nightmare!" Bonnie exclaimed, sniffling. "But he was all gooey and melting. I think he was going to hurt me and mommy, he looked very angry. He went to get mommy but when I yelled at him to stop he froze and turned to stare at me for ages!"

Dream frowned, listening intently to the story.

"I was scared to blink or move so I stayed still- but then I started crying! I didn't mean to but I think Nightmare is allergic to crying because he turned away and ran out of the store."

Dream's eyes widened somewhat.

"He didn't hurt you?" He asked incredulously.

Bonnie shook his head, paused, and then nodded.

"Only a little bit." He said sheepishly, lifting up one of his droopy ears and revealing a small gash. The ear twitched and Bonnie let out a pained cry, letting the ear go limp again.

"How did he do that?" Dream questioned, rummaging through a first-aid pouch he had conveniently attached to his belt a few days before this mess.

"When he went to attack mommy and I said stop, he turned around quickly and caught my ear with the scary thing on his back."

Dream sighed, feeling slightly guilty for not being able to prevent the rabbit from getting injured.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie." 

Bonnie gave him a small smile and shrugged, mumbling a quiet "It's okay."

Dream lifted a small bottle of disinfectant out of the pouch as well as a cloth. He uncapped the bottle gingerly and poured some of it onto the cloth so that it was damp. He fastened the cap back onto the bottle and stuffed it back in his pouch before gently taking Bonnie's ear with his free hand.

"I'm going to clean your wound- this will sting a little."

Bonnie gulped and nodded, hugging his legs tighter for comfort. Dream flashed him a reassuring smile before carefully dabbing the cloth onto the wound, earning a hiss from the rabbit.

"I'm sorry." Dream mumbled apologetically, continuing to dab the cloth on the wound and clean up the gory mess of blood. A few tears slipped down Bonnie's fuzzy cheeks as he endured the burning sensation, trying to be brave. 

"Almost done." Dream said softly, dabbing the gash a little more before finishing off. "I'll be back in a second, I'm going to go and wash this cloth and then I'll wrap a bandage around your ear."

Bonnie nodded meekly, wiping his eyes dry. Dream pat him on the head before heaving himself up and treading towards what he assumed to be the bathroom. Bonnie watched the guardian, giggling slightly. 

"That's not the bathroom, that's where we hang our coats and put our shoes in." He laughed.

Dream playfully glared at the bunny and huffed.

"I knew that, I was just testing you to make sure you knew the layout of your own home."

Bonnie continued to giggle and Dream smiled softly, feeling the familiar positivity radiate from the rabbit. The guardian chuckled along with the bunny before they both calmed down.

"So, where is the bathroom?"

"It's the door next to that one you just tried" Bonnie replied cheerily.

Dream nodded with a small smile, treading over to the bathroom and pushing the door open. Once inside, he stepped over towards the sink and turned on the cold water, rinsing out the cloth thoroughly. He glanced at himself in the mirror, noting his somewhat dishevelled appearance. He had a few scratches on his skull and dark bags under his eye-sockets. His eyes were barely even golden-yellow anymore. His clothes were damp from the rain and clung to him and his leg hurt like hell. He sighed, tearing his gaze away from the mirror and turning the cold water off. The guardian stuffed the cloth back into his pouch and exited the bathroom, wandering back over to the purple bunny.

"Promise me you'll stay here and you won't sneak out." He said sternly.

Bonnie chewed his lip before nodding.

"Okay, I promise."

Dream gave him a warm smile and pet the bunny gently.

"I have to go now, I need to make sure my other friends are okay."

Bonnie nodded and saluted the guardian.

"Yes sir!"

Dream chuckled.

"Bye Bonnie, stay here and be safe. I'll check up on you some time." He said, waving goodbye to the purple rabbit before teleporting away to his home.

'Hopefully Error's awake.' The guardian mused, stepping into the house.


The bunny liVES

I didn't intend for you all to get so attached to him I just wanted to add a FNaF reference and now look. Bonnie is a part of Dreamtale. Or at least this version of Dreamtale. Maybe I should just give this whole book a different name lol

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