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 Brush your teeth before you cross the road

Beatific = extremely happy and peaceful

Desolation = great unhappiness or loneliness

Rueful = expressing sorrow or regret

. . .

Heh, this is probably the least beatific oneshot of them all.

Enjoy =)


Sometimes Dream and Nightmare got into pointless arguments. They never physically hurt one another but occasionally there was a bit of damage done emotionally- for example last month when the two were arguing about who would choose what to watch on the television. That ended up with Dream running upstairs into his bedroom, crying for almost an hour. Or this other time when they were both arguing about who was the better brother. That ended up with Nightmare becoming distressed because Dream refused to believe that he was the better brother, yet Dream insisted that Nightmare was better.

The arguments were never that bad and usually the two would either just forget that it ever happened or apologise and go about their day.

But this time, their arguing had gotten out of hand.

The day had started normal enough, birds were singing, flowers were blooming- perfect weather to play outside. Of course, that's what Dream and Nightmare were doing, playing outside in the tall grass laughing and giggling as they played their favourite game, Tag.

"You will never catch me!" Dream proclaimed with a beatific expression. Nightmare chuckled at the statement, rolling his eyes playfully. He was much faster than Dream was however he liked to see Dream proud of himself for beating him at pretty much every game they played therefore he'd let Dream outrun him.

Nightmare continued to chase after Dream, gradually becoming tired. He stopped momentarily, watching as Dream continued to run. He may have been faster, but Dream definitely had more stamina than him. Nightmare decided to end the game by teleporting in front of Dream, yelling "boo!" to surprise him and capture him in a hug. Dream squeaked in surprise, pulling away to glare at the grinning Nightmare.

"You can't do that, that's cheating." Dream mumbled. Nightmare chuckled again, releasing Dream and stepping back to look at him with a lazy smile. "I can do anything."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"No you can't."

"Name one thing I cannot do." Nightmare huffed, folding his arms and glaring playfully at Dream.

Dream hummed thoughtfully. "You can't outrun me!" He chimed.

Nightmare exhaled, glancing sideways as he answered "I suppose you're right."

Dream giggled in a child-like manner. "You also can't make your eyes go starry!"

"I suppose you're ri-"

"You can't draw as well as me either!"

Nightmare frowned slightly and looked downwards. "I didn't ask you to give me a list of things I can't do..." He mumbled.

Dream noticed the slight hurt that flashed in Nightmare's eyes and instantly felt bad. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Nightmare glanced back at Dream and gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"It's okay." He replied.

Dream visibly relaxed when he heard Nightmare's answer, glad he hadn't upset him.

Dreamtale OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now