Sticks and Stones

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If Sans Undertale can bleed then Sans Nightmare can bleed. Idc if you say it's ketchup not today buckaroo.

You all better be looking after yourselves while we're in quarantine or I will aggressively pat your head. I love all of you. Brush your teeth while in quarantine. This is a request from Emeraldgaze18 and I hope you like it :)

Nightmare sighed. Dream wasn't home at the moment, he was out on his crazy adventures with Ink and Blueberry doing god knows what. Hopefully he doesn't bring back another sword. Nightmare shuddered at the thought. He usually didn't mind the loneliness- he was used to it by now and he actually kind of enjoyed the solitude.

Yet Nightmare can't explain why he felt a pang of sadness and emptiness clawing at him. He blinked, glancing around the living room, eyes searching for something that wasn't there. He missed Dream. It had only been half an hour however that was still long enough to lower Nightmare's spirits.

Dream was his only source of light at this point. Everyone pretty much hated him- hell he'd even seen Ink give him a subconscious glare before realising and apologising sheepishly. So it made sense he'd want Dream to be around at all times- he needed a light to help him fight off the darkness that desperately tried to slither its way into his mind- tried to envelop him.

The loneliness was killing him.

Sighing once again, Nightmare begrudgingly stepped towards the window, peering through. It was a beautiful day outside as Dream would say. Nightmare didn't so much as care if the sun was out. It hurt his eyes.

He could make out the pleasant song of birds chirping, watching with small wonder as a few flew past the window gracefully. It made him smile slightly. His eyes drifted down to the grass, admiring all of the blooming flowers of pinks and yellows. He liked flowers. It was the perfect weather for a game of catch-

Nightmare frowned, his mood dampening almost instantly. Dream's not here. Can't play catch.

He was becoming restless, overwhelmed with the feeling of isolation. Sparing one last glimpse outside, Nightmare trudged towards the kitchen, eyes focused on the refrigerator. He was hungry. With an almost harsh pull, the fridge door swung open, revealing the contents. The first thing Nightmare noticed was the severe lack of apple juice. Both brothers loved regular apples- especially apple juice. If it was anything else, Nightmare wouldn't care so much. 

But he knew how much his brother loved apple juice and the image of a sad Dream when he realised they were all out of the delicious beverage was enough to make him clench his teeth. He needed to get more for Dream's sake.

But that means going outside on his own. Into the village.

Fear pricked at the back of Nightmare's mind, hopelessly trying to tell him this was a bad idea- the villagers would torment him without Dream there.

'Dream can get apple juice himself when he returns,' his mind tried to desperately reason with him. 'He won't mind at all, he likes to enter the village.'

Nightmare tried to suppress the low growl he could feel coming. "I don't want to see that distraught face when Dream discovers there's no apple juice. I'll just go and buy us some." he mumbled to himself.

Deep down, he knew this was stupid. He was going to risk his sanity and safety for some apple juice.

But it was for Dream.

Taking a deep breath, Nightmare shut the fridge door with a little less force than when he opened it and turned away, slowly making his way towards the front door. He couldn't believe he was going to do this to himself. He opened the door, taking his time as he stepped outside, the cool breeze sending a chill down his spine. Ignoring the nagging fear within, Nightmare hesitantly began to tread towards the distant village.

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