The Greatest Plan

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"So now what?"

"Now, we face Nightmare." Dream said, eyes narrowed and glowing with determination.

Error frowned, folding his arms.

"Dream, you can barely walk." He argued, Blue shouting "Yeah!" in agreement.

"Plus we don't even have a plan." Error added.


"I think we should rest for a while until we're all able to fight."


Error turned around to glare at Blue, causing the other to shrivel back and laugh nervously. Ink rolled his eyes, placing a hand on the guardian's shoulder.

"Dream, Error is right- you need to rest somewhere for a while until you're fit for fighting." The artist tried to reason.

"Yup, yup." Bonnie nodded in agreement, absentmindedly fiddling with his makeshift wooden sword. Dream glanced down at the bunny, a faint smile appearing on his face. He was radiating a slither of positivity, the guardian realised. With the positive energy from Bonnie, Dream should be able to heal himself over night. He wouldn't be fully healed up but it would certainly help.

"Okay, let's rest for the night." Dream declared. "I'll be able to heal myself somewhat with Bonnie's positivity while we sleep."

Bonnie's ear perked up and his ruby-red eyes glittered excitedly. 

"Yay- I get to help!" He cheered, hopping excitedly. 

Dream grinned, patting the rabbit's head.

"Well, let's go find a place to rest." Blue spoke up, scanning the area thoroughly. The thick fog however made it difficult to see anything. 

"How about we go to the place the villagers were hiding in?" Ink suggested, eyes flickering between shapes.

Dream hummed, liking the idea.

"Yeah, let's do that." He agreed.

Bonnie leaped forwards, startling the party.

"I shall lead the way to the shelter!" He exclaimed, pointing his sword up to the sky proudly.

"Wowzers, thank you purple rabbit!" Blue praised, saluting.

Bonnie grinned lopsidedly, turning away from the party and beginning to march forwards. Blue, Error and Dream (with the help of Ink) trailed after the bunny, making small talk along the way.


They soon arrived at the home where the villagers had been crammed inside. Blue and Bonnie kicked down the door and bounded inside, giggling mischievously. Dream chuckled and Error groaned, already tired of Blue's antics- and now there's another chaotic member in the party!

"Alright, we need to let Dream rest so no noise." Ink instructed, playfully glaring at Blue and Bonnie.

Blue huffed however agreed. He knew now wasn't the time to be messing around and causing havoc.

He'd still do it though, just quietly.

Ink guided Dream over towards the couch, lightly pushing him down onto the pleasantly soft material.

"Now go to sleep." Ink instructed.

Dream sighed, adjusting his position so he was lying comfortably and closed his eyes. It felt like days since he last slumbered yet he'd technically slept more than the others thanks to being unconscious. His eye-sockets ached and so did his leg; hopefully the pain will have subsided when he wakes up tomorrow. The guardian let out a soft breath of air, clearing his mind and gradually drifting away into a dreamless sleep.

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