I'd Do Anything for You

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Thank you Kreme4life for requesting this :) I hope you all enjoy and remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road

"I don't want to go into the village." Nightmare groaned, his voice muffled from face-planting on the couch. Dream sighed softly, staring down at his disgruntled brother. Another new store had recently opened and it's important they go and pay a visit and see what it's like- besides, it's a fruit and vegetable store which means they'll probably have round, juicy apples of all varieties and the brothers loved apples.

"You know we have to." Dream stated, folding his arms. 

"Why can't you go by yourself?" Nightmare grumbled, adjusting his position so he was glaring slightly at his brother. 

"Because it's custom in our village- we both have to go!" Dream huffed. "You know I'll keep you safe from the villagers, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Nightmare buried his face back into the couch.


Dream blinked. "What do you mean no- Nightmare, We have to go!" He argued, stamping his foot.

Nightmare let out an exasperated breath, sitting up and just staring at his brother.

"Come on, let's go." Dream spoke, his voice now gentle. "It'll only take an hour or so."

Nightmare narrowed his eyes slightly before he slouched in defeat.

"Fine." He murmured, groggily pushing himself up from off the couch. Dream gave him a small smile, holding his hand out for Nightmare to take. Nightmare glanced down at it, interlocking his hand with the other and mumbling something incoherent. Dream simply smiled at him, tugging him along to the front door. He pulled the door open in his usual destructive manner, stepping out with his brother in hand and gracefully slamming the door, locking it.

"Do you have something against doors?" Nightmare asked, chuckling slightly. Dream gave him a toothy grin.

"They are nothing but barriers in my way!" He exclaimed, giggling to himself. Dream began to lead the way, his brother rolling his eyes in amusement as he walked beside him.

The sky was a dull blue today, greyish clouds hovering over them and blocking a majority of the sunlight. There were a few birds whizzing by busily, as if they had places to be causing the corner of Nightmare's mouth to twitch up into a small grin. He loved watching birds. There was a brisk wind which rustled the leaves and swayed the branches of trees, making them look like they were dancing. It would probably rain soon- not that the brothers minded, they enjoyed the rain.

Nightmare's smile fell as he noticed the village slowly begin to come into view. Dream flickered his eyes to his brother's and frowned slightly, squeezing his hand in reassurance- a silent way of telling him that everything will be okay. 

As soon as they were officially in the village Nightmare tensed and edged closer to Dream, his nerves getting the best of him. Dream felt a pang of guilt bubble inside of him for making Nightmare come with him but at the same time he had no choice- it had become a tradition for them both to visit any new shops that open in the village.

The realisation that he didn't even know where the shop was made him internally face-palm. He was going to have to ask one of the villagers. Sighing, he approached a strange plant monster and asked for directions. The monster beamed at him and pointed towards the direction though glared when it locked eyes with the guardian of negativity. The monster bit back the urge to say something snarky, instead it just smiled again at Dream before mumbling a goodbye and wandering away.

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