The Beginning of Friendship

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Camila's POV

I stood there in utter shock. How was she so calm? I watched awkwardly as she wrote on some papers. Her dark brown curls hung loosely around her lightly tanned face. She had seemed a but taller than I was, and had a pearly white smile. Someone flossed at night. When she looked up at me again she raised a questioning, perfectly arched eyebrow. My god her eyes are like Bahamas blue.

"Would you like to sit down if you're staying?" she asked. I quickly glanced away blushing.

"Right, I probably should text my driver" When I looked at the screen on my phone I saw that I had no service. "Great" I muttered under my breath. "Theres no service with the storm." She quirked up one side of her mouth in disappointment, exposing a dimple.

"Well, that's a shame. You're welcome to stay til the storm ends then. I'm sorry I cant be of more service" she shrugged. Her loose fitting white V-neck shirt hinted at cleavage. What the hell is wrong with you Camila?

"Um, thank you. Is there a chair I can use?" She looked around as if just realizing there was only one chair.

"Sorry I didnt realize. I'll just take my papers with me. I have a loft above the store for situations like this" she chuckled. Collecting her papers she lead me to the back of the store. I hesitated at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the loft. "Dont worry I'm not some freaky fan. If you want I'll get you settled and I'll stay downstairs. Or vis versa" she offered. Maybe she's not so bad...

"It should be fine, but I still dont know your name?" We walked up the stairs.

"Naomi" she answered simply.

"Pretty name" I tried to make small talk to avoid awkwardness, but apparently that wasnt working. We got to the top of the steps and I walked through the door Naomi held open for me. It was simply designed. Light blue couches huddled in the middle of the room. The lighting shown bright throughout the loft. One corner had a small kitchen while the other a small bookcase. A cream colored rug also lay at the center of the room. Naomi walked over to the fireplace to the left side of the room.

"I know you must be freezing in those clothes since you look pretty wet, so I'm going to grab something for you to wear. I'll put your clothes in the wash" she smiled gently. She left to another room on the far side. I wandered in and looked at the photos on the walls. One in particular caught my eye. It was a younger looking Naomi in graduation attire and an older looking man standing beside her proudly. Naomi had a bright smile on her face of sheer joy. This must be her father. I looked at it closely, but found little resemblance between them.

"That was my adoptive father. He owned this company before he gave it to me" she said quietly behind me. I still jumped and laughed at my nervousness. She smiled and laughed herself. She held some clothes in her hands and offered them to me. "They may not be Gucci, but I find them quite comfortable" she giggled. My own heart lightened at the sound despite the circumstances. She showed me where the bathroom was and left me to change. I put on the red flannel pajama pants and black T-shirt. She was right. These are fucking soft! I slowly went out of the bathroom and gave her my wet clothes.

"Better?" I only nodded. "I started the fireplace so you could warm up." She nodded to the couches.

"Thank you" I walked over and felt like I might be swallowed by the overly stuffed couches. Why does everything she have so soft and comfy?  She came back a moment later and sat at a desk that faced the fireplace and was directly behind the couch I was sitting on. A split second later a loud roar of thunder shook the building, reminding us of the storm outside.

"Well, that doesnt sound promising" she frowned. She went back to her paperwork and a surprisingly comfortable silent settled between us.


"Yes?" She looked at me quizzical look.

"Why were you here so late?" I asked. I saw her eyes turn as dark as the storm outside.

"I had to finish up some work things, and I knew if I went home I would just fall asleep." She smiled, but it didnt reach her eyes. "Why were you out shopping in the rain this late at night?" she asked in a teasing tone. I blushed.

"I came with some friends, but I had to go to the bathroom. The storm came so fast I got separated. Then the paparazzi came, and I found myself here." She nodded in understanding and went back to looking down.

"I'll be up for a while. I'll let you know if anything changes with the storm, but since its 11 at night I don't think you'll last very long" she chuckled. "That couch will put anyone to sleep." I laughed at that and snuggled deeper into the few pillows that surrounded me. The next thing I knew I felt something warm and cozy cover over me and I smiled. I fell asleep listening to the rain and the soft sounds of Naomi's writing.

When I woke up there was some light coming from the small windows on either side of the fireplace. A blanket was tucked around me and I sat up. It took me several moments to remember where I was. I looked over the back of the couch to find no one sitting behind the desk. The smell of pancakes then caught my attention and a quiet humming was coming from a figure in the small kitchen. They turned around coffee mug in hand, gray V-neck and skinny jeans. How can she make something so simple look good? I squeaked at my thought process and saw ocean eyes looking at me with amusement. 

"I'm sorry if I've made you late for something on your busy schedule, but I figured some sleep would do you good" she said. "Do you want some coffee before leaving? Or are you a tea person?" I sat frozen to the couch for a few seconds longer. 

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked. I got up and went over to the counter she was leaning on. I eyed her suspiciously. What does she want? 

"I just wanted to treat you like a human being. Unless you prefer to be treated like you're a god, but I can't say I'll enjoy that. Besides, I would think that you would enjoy the company of a friend, not a crazed fan" she said taking a sip of her coffee. Damn it smelled good. I thought about what she had said. Did I need a friend? I remembered my old band members from Fifth Harmony. We weren't exactly the best of friends since breaking apart.

"I'll take some coffee, but I have to make a phone call" I said quietly. She nodded her head and turned away from me. I called my driver to pick me up since the rain had gone and the service had been restored. I looked down at myself and realized I still wore Naomi's clothes. Shit....

"Um, Naomi? Do you still have my clothes?" I asked. She set a mug of coffee in front of me and smiled. 

"Yeah, I'll go get them for you" She disappeared, leaving me to enjoy the delicious morning drink. She returned with my clothes and I changed out of her pajamas. 

"Thank you, for your hospitality, and for treating me like a friend. You don't really get to have stable friendships in this business" I laughed halfheartedly. Naomi laughed too and shook her head. 

"Well, if our paths ever meet again, you've got a friend in me" she said softly. "Now let's get you out of here without being seen."

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