Saying Goodbye

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Naomi's POV

It was been another week since Camila has asked me what would happen after they had arrested the assassin. Another week since I didn't give her an answer. I instead complained that my back was hurting from the fall. We had gone to our separate rooms and went to bed. I was sitting outside in my chair reading a book when I heard my phone ring.


"Valor. We've arrested the assassin that attempted to kill Camila Cabello. You can return her to her home now" a gruff voice replied. I knew him as the chief and thanked him for the news. I closed my book slowly and sighed. Why am I not excited for her? A hand gently touched my shoulder from behind and I peered up at Camila's chocolate brown eyes. I would miss seeing that regularly. I would miss practically everything about this woman, but I couldn't do that to her. I stood up trying to put on a bright smile.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" I asked breathlessly.

"Um, the good news?" she looked at me quizzically.

"The good news is that they've caught the assassin and you can go home, but the bad news is that I have to blindfold you again" I blushed. Camila only laughed and pulled me in for a big hug. "I should probably change into my original outfit then." I grabbed her hand before she could turn away.

"Just keep it. I really don't mind, and I'm sure you want to leave as soon as possible" I smiled. Camila was wearing my black, gray, and white flannel, dark jeans and her own vans. She looked amazing in casual clothes. Especially mine.... I took the bandanna I had that fateful night and retied it on her head. I lead her to my car, and off we went. When we arrived at our destination I took off her bandanna.

"Naomi?" Camila said softly. I looked to her with an eyebrow raised. She seemed nervous.

"If you're worried about your family, I'm sure they'll take you back in. It has been three months since they've last seen or heard from you" I joked. She smiled and shook her head while looking at the ground.

"I know that, but can I keep the bandanna? Just as a keepsake?" she fiddled with it in her hands. I gently took it away and tied it around her head without covering her eyes this time.

"Of course you can Littles" I smiled. My heart was cracking in my chest with each passing second. She hugged me, this time leaving no room between us. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on the crown of her head. I would miss her smell. It wasn't just perfume. It was CAMILA. I released her and her family swarmed around her having been released from inside the building finally. I gave one last look and I was gone.

Camila's POV

I stood backstage waiting for my cue. It had taken me a while to be comfortable in the limelight again after the assassination attempt. Even the name of it sent chills down my spine. I was allowed to finish my tour even though it's been a while. Though I do think that's it's made my stronger. I'm no longer jumpy or clumsy anymore. But each I close my eyes in remembrance of those days all I can see are her cobalt blue eyes. The man next to me gave me my cue and I ran out to greet everyone.

After the show I was exhausted. I went back to my dressing room. I had a headache and I needed some sleep. I sat down at a chair in front of the mirror with lights lining it. I missed her. I miss her pajamas. I laughed at myself out loud. I looked over to the door to see it was time to go on the road again.

On the bus I crawled into my nightwear and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I had a free day to explore around before the show tomorrow. I was told there was a cute little town nearby and decided to go there. I put on some light skinny jeans, Naomi's flannel, and the tied the bandanna on my head. I put on one of my own jackets since it was cold outside. I buzzed with excitement of going to the town. Hopefully it was small enough I wouldn't be recognized and have a normal outing. I didnt mind so much the fans, but it was the paparazzi that I really hated. They really were relentless. I drove in a black jeep to the town and walked down the main street. It was full of small shops and gift stores. I wanted to get something for my family members. So far no one knew who I was. I breathed out in relief. The main street reminded me of Disneys. It was old fashioned, but not nearly as crowded. The locals were also fairly friendly. I looked up to the sky and saw rain clouds looming above me. This honestly happens way too often for my liking. As I kept my slow pace walking down the sidewalk I felt a light drop on my nose. I retreated into a large gift shop. Guess I can start looking for those gift while I wait this rain out. I looked around at the keychains, stuffed animals, clothes, and little knick knacks finding a few that I liked. Then I heard a familiar voice. One that I havent heard in over six months. One that has lingered in my dreams for so long, that I immediately knew who it was. Why is she in this little town? What about her company? Is she here for my show tomorrow? The last thought sent butterflies to my belly. I heard her talking to a store clerk. They seemed familiar with each other, as if long time friends, but with Naomi I had felt the same way. I knew it was wrong, but I was curious and listened to their conversation.

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