The Phone call

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Camila's POV

It's been yet another year without my Naomi. I dont understand why she hasn't left my mind. I've been dating my now boyfriend for a year. I dont love him.... I cant. I blame this all on that stupid storm. The storm that had forced me into Naomi's store. The storm that had brought us together. The storm in the gift shop where I knew that I had loved her. I blame the storm. And yet I also had to thank it. I would never had known Naomi. My chest still ached at any mention of her. It was said that she's been traveling around and was doing excellent at keeping up the Valor name. I was proud of her. I really was. I just wished I could tell her that in person. I was at the beach with some friends and my boyfriend when I got the call.


"Hello? Is this Camila Cabello?" A young man was on the other side of the line. I swear, how the hell did he get my number? "Please dont hang up! I'm not some crazed fan, I promise. I was told to call you about where you would be in the next month or so."

"Why would you need to know that? Who are you?" I demanded. I was always very careful nowadays.

"Naomi told me to call you. Does that sound familiar? She wanted to know where you were so she could meet up with you" he continued. My heart nearly stopped and then was on jet fuel. My whole body went up in flames.

"Tell her I'm going to where we first met. She'll understand" I hung up before he could say anything else. Something about this didnt seem right. Why didnt Naomi call me herself? After two years why now?

Naomi's POV

I was looking at my phone for my schedule when the name RESTRICTED appeared across the screen. What the fuck?


"Hello there sugar pie! Hows it hanging?" I heard Frank on the other side. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Frank I though you were some creep. Where are you calling from?"

"Oh! The phone box. I sat on my phone a couple of weeks back and havent gotten around to getting a new one" I laughed at the old man's antics. I love this man.

"Ok, why did you really call Frank?" I said knowingly.

"Cant I call my niece when I like?" I shook my head, but smiled.

"I'm your fake niece, but I've known you since I was a little girl. I know you're up to something Frank" I accused. I heard Frank laugh on the other line. 

"Alright, you got me. When are you going to confess to that damn woman of yours instead of letting her prance around with some prince charming?" he said. I rubbed my forehead in frustration. 

"Frank, you know I can't. Besides, she deserves a prince charming"

"What she deserves is an explanation" Frank countered. I groaned.

"Frank really? I can't argue about this right now. I'm flying back home now" I was indeed going home. I was going back to the store in the popular shopping center. The store that held so many memories. 

"Fine. Get on your fancy plane and go home, but I'm warning you child," he paused, "you're making a big mistake." I felt the tears well in my eyes. 

"I'll call you as soon as I get back home. Or at least find a way to call you" I sighed. We ended the call and I boarded my plane that I had been waiting for. I was rich, I'll admit, but I still preferred to travel just as everyone else. I wasn't any better. As I found my seat I stared out the window. Was I making a big mistake?

A few days later I was restocking a shelf of jeans when I heard the chime of the store door go off. It was getting to be colder once more. I walked back to the counter so I would be ready when those who were in the store were ready to pay. It felt good to work for myself. I felt proud. I had plenty of workers, but I had let them go early since it was a slow day. I helped a couple check out and went to writing down what shipments I would need soon. I saw a pair of hands rest in front of me on the counter. They were a man's hands, and I knew them all too well. I looked up at my father with hatred burning in my veins. 

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