The Time Has Come

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Naomi's POV

Our phones have been going off nonstop since the video was done. Our engagement news spread like wildfire and Camila was a little uneasy about it. I walked into Camila's dressing room without knocking. We were at her concert and I came to support her behind the scenes this time. After the assassination attempt a few years back they had heightened security to the max. I still kept on my toes though. As I opened the door with her name on it I heard a squeak from inside.

"Naomi! You scared me. I was changing!" she huffed. She threw her sandal that she used to be wearing and I laughed.

"If I'm not mistaken, you were the one always walking in on me changing first" I quirked an eyebrow up. Camila blushed and stuck her tongue out at me and I smiled. This woman can be the most proper, graceful person ever, but I love this dorky side of her. We heard a knock and a voice shout that it was almost time.

"Knock 'em dead Littles" i winked. Camila gave me a small smile and went to hug me.

"I'll see you after the show" i let her go and walked with her to the side of the stage. I watched as she went out and greeted everyone.

"Hi! How is everyone? Are you ready for tonight?" A roar of cheers rose from the crowd. "I'm sure you guys are so excited, but I have a little surprise for you!" I know that look. That looks not good. What is she up to?

"So as many of you know I'm getting married. She's actually here today! And I thought why dont we have her sing with me today?" The crowd screamed at this and cheered for me to step on to stage. "Honey, would you mind?" She looked directly at me with an innocent look on her face. She's a dead woman when we leave. I tentatively stepped out and another round of cheers sounded. I was given a mic and my hands shook.

"So, I was not informed that I would be singing today. You can blame the beautiful woman next to me if it sounds horrible" I joke. I gave Camila a pointed look, but she only smiled. We sang along to her songs, some random songs that we thought of, and danced around some. We actually didnt sound too bad. Not bad at all. At the end of the concert we were saying goodbye.

"I love you all so much! Thank you for coming and being good sports with my soon-to-be wife's voice" I playfully punched her arm.

"Guys I think she deserves a punishment" I said mischievously. Camila gave me a horrified look and I laughed. I rushed to her and slung her over my shoulder. "Thank you so much for having us tonight!"

"Naomi put me down!" The stage went dark and I made my way to the side. She slid off my shoulder but I kept my hands on her hips. She glared at me but I saw the laughter in her warm brown eyes.

Several months later

The time has come. Today was the day. Never in a million lifetimes would I have imagined marrying Camila Cabello. My palms were sweaty and I looked out down the aisle and the small group of people that had come. Camila has insisted we get married in my hometown. Less attention for paparazzi to find us. The world didnt know we were getting married today. They would have to find out that we were the Cabellos after all of the excitement. I decided to take on Camila's last name but kept Valor as a sort of middle name. The man that had made this all possible could have this at least. My brown hair was curled and pinned back with two strands to frame my face. I had only worn some light natural makeup. I wasnt into that kind of thing. I had a white flowing shirt with laced patterns wrapped around like vines. My pants hugged my curves but also flowed out to give it a dressy feel. Our close family like Camila's parents and sister, Frank, Ann, her manager, Danielle, and some celebrity friends came along. I spotted Anna Kendrick, Fat Amy, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Aniston, Halsey, and several others were among them. I waited anxiously for Camila to appear. And she did. Her dress had a sweetheart neckline. It was plain, but draped over her made it seem fit for a queen. She had semi-seethrough sleeves with sparkling designs on them. Her hair was curled and pulled back into a neat bundle on her head that showed her slender neck. There was a simple silver belt around her waist that separated the top of the dress to the long skirt that covered her petite figure. She wore little makeup too and her smile was the brightest I've seen yet. Our setting was within the trees of my childhood home. The sunshine that covered her made her look like an absolute goddess. I watched as she got closer and closer and eventually stand in front of me. It was time for our vows. And I was first.

"The way we met may have not been the most common way of meeting the person you love, but I wouldn't try to change it. When I saw you burst in with messy hair and clothes soaked from the storm I didnt see Camila Cabello. I didnt see a celebrity that had the world fall in love with her. I saw this beautiful, intelligent, kind, generous, and loving woman. I saw Littles. And it was Littles that I fell in love with. I had once blamed that storm for throwing my routine off, but now I truly see it as a blessing. I loved you then, I love you now, and I'll love you from here on out" I felt the tears in my eyes as I let the words fall from my mouth. Camila looked on the verge of crying too.

"How am I to top that? You cheated in making me cry" she teased. A chuckle could be heard from our friends and family. "Meeting you the way I did wasnt my plan either, and I'm sorry i kind of got your floors wet. Since you kept your privacy not many people knew the true Valor behind the scenes. You shocked me when you didnt stare at me star struck like other people. I fell in love with the person that treated me like I was human. I fell in love with the person that didnt think twice of throwing herself in front of a bullet for me when I barely knew you. The person that welcomed me in her home, and acted like it was completely normal. I didnt just fall for Naomi Valor. I fell for Naomi Rebekah Valor" she smiled. The man marrying us gave us our cue and I took a step to my future. One of my hands cupped her cheek while the other wrapped around her. Her hands found my face and our lips met. I deepened our kiss wanting the moment to last forever.

"I think we should pay attention to our guests. We have our honeymoon to have us time" Camila murmured between kisses. I looked into her eyes and knew her words held a promise. Cheers and clapping came from our friends and family and I smiled. My chest felt full and my hand interlaced with Camila's as we walked down the aisle.

"Come on! We have a party to start!" Camila called over her shoulder. We walked over to Frank's store that he had once again cleared to have the party in.

The room held light pastel colors. Drapes hung from the ceiling to the walls creating an elegant effect. There were round tables and chairs on the outskirts of the room with the middle as a dance floor. Camila and I had wanted to be able to feel within the party and didnt have our own table as the brides. Holt shit I'm married.....

The night passed on and a slow song came over the party.

"Will you come dance with me Mrs. Cabello?" I purred in her ear. She smiled shyly and nodded. I lead her to the dance floor and we swayed to the music. My arms wrapped around her waist holding her close while her hands rested on my shoulders.

"I like when you call me that" her breath tickled my neck. "I cant believe we're married." I chuckled and leaned back to look at her face.

"Me neither, but I'm glad its you" I whispered. I leaned my forehead on hers and closed my eyes relishing in the feeling of having her in my arms, my wife. 

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