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Naomi's POV

The sound of light rain had woken me up. I slowly opened me eyes to see the dull light coming through the window.  I felt something warm beside me. Camila had nuzzled into my chest. Her breath was on my skin and it gave me goosebumps.  I pulled back slightly to look at her face. She looked peaceful. I saw a tad bit of drool from her slightly opened mouth. I smiled, then realized I had the same thing. Her hands had found my shirt and she gripped it softly. My arms were still around her from last night. I placed a kiss on top of her head and gently extracted myself from the warmth of the bed. I brushed some of her hair from her face and tucked the blanket around her. I then went to get dressed in my morning workout clothes. I knew from past experience that Camila would wake up soon anyways. I made fresh pancakes and some eggs. I still wasnt sure what else she liked for breakfast,  at least I knew she loved pancakes. I was pouring my coffee when Camila walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sleepyhead" I smiled. I wanted to be as positive as I could to keep her mind off of things.

"Morning" She sat down in her usual stool. Camila smiled when she saw the pancakes.

"By the way, what else do you eat for breakfast?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Besides pancakes? Cereal, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hashbrowns. I'm sure theres more, but I pretty much like the basics" she said. I nodded my head and put my coffee mug down.

"I'm going to go do my workout, same as before. Anything before I go?" She shook her head since she had a piece of pancake in her mouth. "Ok." I kissed the top of her head before walking to the back door. "I'll be back in a bit" I called. I could get used to this routine.

Camila's POV

I could get used to this.... Its been three days since I've come to Naomi's house. So far each morning is the same. Breakfast is alternated between us. Naomi kisses my head before she runs and then we do something fun. Today Naomi suggested going for a walk around the property. It was gloomy outside today, but it hasn't rained since the first night. I put on the black sweater Naomi had on that night of the mud slide. Nice and warm. I walked out the back door to see Naomi watering some plants.

"Didnt it just rain?" I giggled.

"They still need to be watered!" she whined. She stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed.

"Come on you dork. We were going to go for a walk" She set down her can that she was using and skipped down the path lined with little white rocks. She's such a dork when she's at home. I walked after her and admired the scenery around me. The air had a fresh smell to it. I watched as Naomi's brown curls bounced behind her as she skipped ahead.  She spun around suddenly and smiled. I felt my heart flutter and I smiled back. She then held her hand out to receive mine. I gladly gave it. We walked a while longer, hand in hand, and our breath puffing out around us. The warmth of Naomi's hand in mine felt like bliss. She let go to grab some leaves from the trees. That earned her some sprinkles on her head that made her squeal. We continued walking, but she no longer held my hand. We finally got back home at around lunchtime and I shivered. The heated house we very welcoming and my hands felt numb.

"What's wrong?" Naomi asked hanging her jacket in a hallway closet.

"I cant feel my fingers" I breathed. She walked over to me and grabbed both of my hands. She began to blow hot air on them with her lips gently touching me. I immediately felt warmer and she stared right into my eyes. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing and I was sucked in. Naomi held my hands in hers and stopped blowing.

"Better?" I could only nod. We began to make lunch together and then decided to watch a movie later. We put the first movie that came up on Netflix. I sat next to Naomi. My heart pounding I decided to just go for it. I snuggled into her, nearly on top of Naomi. She was tense at first, but then rested her arm over me after relaxing. It was like that, that I had fallen asleep for a short nap. This was something new to me. Being able to be this comfortable with someone. I was only like this with my family, and I missed them dearly, but with Naomi.... I didnt feel so lonely.

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