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Camila's POV

I have never been so excited to go home from a party. It was the afterparty of a concert I had just done. I was supposed to be meeting Naomi so we could go home. Home. I smiled. It's been a month since that day in the airport. When a man opened the door for me I thanked him and squealed at the sight before me. She had really done it. Naomi stood with her hands in her pockets, dressed as Shank. I laughed and ran to give her a hug. We really didnt display public affection. We were so used to no kissing for most of our relationship we really didnt need it. We interlaced our hands and went to Naomi's new blue jeep. The last was wrecked by my ex obviously, but I liked this one better anyway. We got in and set course for home.

"How was the afterparty?" she asked.

"It was fun! I got to meet some fans, and it was really nice to just kind of hang out with them" I smiled. Naomi chuckled. When we got home I ran upstairs.

"Where are you going?!" Naomi called.

"To get in my pajamas! You promised movie night as soon as we were on break!" I threw on some shorts and my black Led Zeppelin shirt.

"Nice pajamas" she laughed in the doorway. She went to put on her flannel pants and white T-shirt.

"Its funny to see you in businesswoman clothes and then in pajamas" I giggled. Naomi wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh even more.

"I get to pick the movie!" She dashed out of the room and down to the living room. We crashed into the couch and got comfy. Naomi laid down with her head on a pillow next to the arm of the chair.

"Mimi, I'm cold, warm me" I sprawled out on top of her and heard her grunt on impact.

"Some warning next time?" I giggled and kissed her nose.

"Nope" She rolled her eyes and turned on the movie Pride and Prejudice. As i laid on her i played with some strands of her hair while she softly stroked my back. I could get used to this.

Naomi's POV

When our movie ended i noticed Camila had fallen asleep. She's so cute when she sleeps. I lifted her up with me and carried her back to the room the same way i carried her when we were out on the highway. Her head rested on my shoulder and i put my arms under her butt to support her. I gently laid her down on the bed and turned off the light. As soon as i was in bed she was snuggled up to me. I love this woman.

1 year later

"Camila! Have you seen my flannel?" I asked scratching my head. She was buttoning her jacket and shook her head.

"No i havent. Why dont you just wear your black hoodie?"

"So you can steal it?" I smirked. She flashed me a dazzling smile and i felt butterflies release in my stomach. A year later and she still made me feel like a romantic teenager. We were only 23 and 22 after all.

"Maybe, but only because it smells like you so it feels like i have you at all times" she pouted. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead.

"Clingy much?" I raised an eyebrow jokingly. She playfully punched my chest.

"Shut up! Come on, just pick a jacket. I want to go see Frank and everyone" It was Thanksgiving time and we were visiting my hometown after being invited to dinner.

"I'm going, I'm going" Finally all dressed we went to our destination.

Frank had cleaned his shop up to place tables and chairs to fit what seemed like everyone in town. Camila and I walked in hand in hand and smiled at the decor. There were cartoon turkeys for the kids. Leaves, pinecones, and lights all over the store.

"This place looks beautiful Frank" Camila said as he came to greet us.

"Why thank you darlin'. Glad to see you here, and glad that Naomi got some sense knocked into her" he winked. I rolled my eyes while Camila giggled. Danielle called Camila over leaving me with Frank.

"When are you going to get hitched?" Frank asked suddenly. I nearly choked on air.

"Its only been a year Frank" I reminded him.

"So? I wanna see my girl happy. I know you are now, but I'm a old man honey. I wanna see you happily married" he sighed. I shook my head, but smiled. I pulled out the little box I had hidden in my coat. His eyes went wide and a grin creeped onto his face.

"Now dont spoil all the fun for me" I warned. He made a gesture of locking his mouth to signify he wouldn't say anything. I walked to Danielle and Camila who were chatting adamantly.

"Really? I'll have to try that recipe" Camila said. Danielle gave me a hug and then a slap on the arm.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"For not calling me when you left! I didnt know if you were coming or not" she scolded. I muttered an apology while Camila kissed my cheek.

"Come on let's not be rude and say hi to everyone else" she pulled me along. We walked up to Ann and she made a shrieking giggle if that's possible.

"I need to get used to knowing celebrities now. How are you sweetheart?" Ann asked Camila.

"I'm well Mrs. Collins" Camila smiled. Mrs. Collins then turned her attention to me.

"If you let this young lady go again, Naomi Valor, I will punish you with the board of education" she pointed her finger menacingly. I gulped knowing her words held a promise.

"I dont plan to again, Ann" I smiled.

"Let's all sit down to eat!" Frank called. Camila and I sat down towards the middle. Frank had offered Camila to bring her family so her parents sat across from us along with her sister. I had easily won over her parents. With some help from Camila telling me what to expect.

Dinner went by then dessert. I took a bite of my pumpkin pie while Camila had cookies and brownies.

"Can I have a bite of your pie?" I heard her ask. I gave a mischievous grin and put a dot of whipped cream on her nose before putting a piece in her mouth. "You're insufferable."

"I try" I smiled. Now is the time. "Do you want to go walk off the food?"

"Sure, let me just pick this up" she said.

"Dont bother. We got this handled" Danielle smiled.

"Oh, thank you then"

I lead Camila out of the shop and headed down to Danielle and mines tree. Danielle had actually suggested I do it here.

"You know, I love your little town. Everyone here feels like family" Camila said quietly.

"They are your family, just as much as mine" I said. We walked up to the tree and I looked up at the leaves and smiled. I noticed Camila was staring at me. Do it! I grabbed her hands and pulled her to me.

"I continue to keep blaming that storm for making you burst into my store that night, but I really should be thanking it. It brought this amazing woman in my life that I cant picture without. Usually all of the nice things are said at a time like this" I paused and watch as she gave me a confused look. I got down on one knee and her hands flew to her mouth.

"But even though I love all the pretty things that even the world sees, I love all of the not so pretty things that you tried to hide. I love when you scold and nag me about things. I love when you wake up with maybe a little drool and your hair all messy. I even love your morning breath!" She giggled at this.

"Trust me, it can be bad sometimes. I love when you take weird pictures on my phone. I love you. I know we've only known each other for two years, but in those two we've been through thick and thin and still came back to each other. So I have to know. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, will you marry me?" I almost whispered. I held my breath as I saw a tear leave her eye. Camila was silent and i was getting nervous. Was it too soon? Will she say no? I was about to stand up when she put both of her hands on my cheeks. She was smiling ear to ear and leaned down.

"Yes, Naomi Rebekah Valor, I will" she whispered. Her lips met mine, not in the heated, smashed together that you usually see. It was gentle, and it was my everything.

"Happy Thanksgiving" I murmured.

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