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Naomi's POV

I felt Camila snuggle against me and I stiffened. I wasnt expecting the sudden contact. This girl had gone through so much and I havent heard her complain once. The only time she had cried was the day I had picked her up. From then on she's put on a brave smile and even does things just to make me happy. I looked down at the woman I admired so much and placed a soft kiss to her hair. I lightly played with her baby soft hair and enjoyed the moment. Her ex-boyfriend may be crazy, but she cant just hide away. I decided that I would take her out tonight. There was a small town that was a short drive away. When the movie finished Camila stirred and I saw her brown orbs peer up at me.

"How long was I out?" she mumbled. She didnt bother moving away or removing her arm from around my torso.

"Pretty much the whole movie" I laughed. "I was thinking that we should go out today?" She sat up and her eyes went wide. "I mean so you're not just coupped up in here with me. I thought you might want to go somewhere." Camila smiled and playfully smacked my arm.

"You goof. Yeah, I'm up to go out, but you're sure that we wont run into him?" I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. I pulled her in for a hug.

"If he does show up then he's not going to get really close as long as I'm here" I murmured into her hair. She squeezed me before letting go.

"I'll go get ready for tonight then" Camila ran off like a little kid that's going to go to an amusement park. I chuckled to myself and relaxed.

Later I drove us to the small town. Because it was wintertime, there was ice skating available.

"Do you want to go ice skating?" Camila asked hopefully.

"Sure, but if I fall I'm taking you down with me" I threatened playfully. She laughed and grabbed my hand, tugging me to the rink. We got several stares since both of us are now well known in the world, but no one dared come close once I glared at them. I didnt want Camila to be bombarded with fans when she had been so excited to just have fun. We put on our skates and went out on the ice. Camila was remarkably good at ice skating. Me? Not so much. I wobbled like a new born deer and had to hold onto Camila most of the time to keep from falling on my ass. Well this is going great. We skating for a couple of hours before finally tiring. We walked around and went into some of the gift shops. Camila said that it made her think of Frank so she got him a little trinket to send to him. If I didnt love the woman already, she just stole my heart with her nonstop generosity. We came to one gift shop that had a rack of hats. Some were legitimate hats and others were just really fucking weird. Camila put on a cute dark grey floppy looking hat. She looked beautiful. I put on a raccoon skin hat.

"Hey there darlin'. You seen my raccoon? Cant find the damn thing anywhere" I made a face while scratching my head. Camila burst into laughter which I soon joined because hers was so contagious.

"You're so weird. Hey, how about we go watch a movie?" She said. I agreed and we headed to the movie theater.

"Can we watch Ralph Breaks the Internet?!" She asked excitedly.

"Sure thing Littles" I paid for our tickets and snacks and we settled in. When the movie was over Camila couldnt stop talking about it.

"You know. You actually look a lot like the character Shank, but with blue eyes" she said popping an M&M into her mouth.

"So you think I'm sexy?" I smirked. She had gone on earlier how Shank was her new favorite character. I saw her face turn bright red and she punched my shoulder.

"I said you look like her! Doesnt mean I find you sexy" she murmured, but her facial expression said otherwise. We decided to go back home since it was dark. While we were in the car i spoke up.

"Maybe I'll dress up as Shank for Halloween. I just need to get brown contacts" i joked.

"No! I mean. I like your blue eyes. I think you should keep it that way" she blushed again. I glanced at her and saw that she was staring at her lap and fidgeting with her hands. I grabbed one hand with my own without hesitation.

"Thank you" she smiled. Before I could pull my hand away she interlaced them. And that was how we stayed the rest of the car ride.

Camila's POV

The feeling of Naomi's hand interlaced with mine felt amazing. I smiled to myself when she didnt try and pull away. Today was a really good day. No one try in ng to get to me. No drama. Surprisingly no crazy fans, but I think that was Naomi's doing. It was just me and her. As I replayed what we did today a thought startled me. Did we just have a first date? My cheeks warmed and I squeezed her hand unintentionally. Oh god was it? Was that what she meant when she asked? Is that what I want it to be? I was so worried over this that I hadn't realized that we were home. Why is it so easy for me to call this home?

"Are you ok Camila?" Naomi asked softly. I noticed she still held my hand and I pulled away a little too abruptly that I had wanted.

"I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind" We walked in silence and went to get ready for bed. Once i was done changing i noticed that Naomi hadn't walked in yet. We had been sleeping in the same bed every night now. I really enjoyed our time like this. Sometimes we would talk, others we just slept, but most of all I just loved the feeling of her holding me. I decided to walk to her room and found her making the bed. I rated a hand on the door frame and knocked on the door with the other. When she turned to me my heart started pounding.

"Are you coming to bed?" I asked quietly. It felt strange to say it, but not in a bad way. More of like I wasnt used to it, but I liked it.

"Do you still want me to come over? I thought that maybe you just needed some space, but i was going to ask if you wanted to talk" she responded. She's so sweet and considerate. I smiled and shook my head slowly.

"I'm fine, and i do want you to come. It feels weird being in that big bed by myself now" She smiled and we walked to my room. Or was it our room? I'm getting too ahead of myself. We laid down in our usual spots and turned off the lights. Naomi lay facing me and I turned to look at her. I knew I couldnt sleep with everything running through my head.

"Naomi?" I whispered. She had her eyes closed but she gave me a grunt in response. "Will you rub my back like you did the other day? I can't sleep." She opened her eyes and smiled.

"As you wish" she breathed. I scooted closer to her where our bodies were touching and I buried my face in her chest. She smelled like peppermint and her signature scent. She started to gently trace random things on my back, eventually lulling me to sleep. Yup. I am definitely in love with this girl.

Naomi's POV

I am definitely in love with this girl.

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