I Blame the Storm

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Camila's POV 

I haven't talked to Naomi in a few weeks. It's now been about a year more or less since we had first met, but who's counting? I continued on with my album and should be able to release it soon. I was excited, but there was still the underlying sadness of not being able to tell her. For whatever reason and whatever possessed me, I was back at the small town of her childhood. I wanted to be polite and say hi to Frank while I was here, so I headed to the gift store. I little bell chimed as I walked in and the store was silent. I liked to come during the winter time. I liked wearing shorts and swimming, but I liked the comfort of hot chocolate too. I was wearing Naomi's flannel, light jeans, and black vans. It was comfortable. I walked to the counter and got a smile from Frank. 

"Hello, Mr. Waterman" I smiled back. 

"Darlin' call me Frank. How have you been sweetheart?" I loved his welcoming presence and kindness. It reminded me of my own dad. 

"I've been good. How are things here?" He waved me off with a laugh.

"Nothing too exciting happens in this town. You coming here is probably just about it. Naomi don't really come no more" he said the last part sadly. My heart ached at the mention of her name. 

"I'm sorry to hear that" I heard a woman then come into the store. I recognized her as the woman named Danielle from the newspaper. 

"Frank, I swear I'm going to straggle that woman! 22 year's old, and is acting like a toddler! If she does-" she stopped when she saw me. I smiled shyly, and her mouth dropped open. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here" she apologized after regaining her composure.

"It's fine. I hope everything with you and Naomi are going well?" I genuinely wanted her to be happy. I was just trying to be nice. Danielle snorted and crossed her arms.

"Well, things are going just as you would expect between best friends. You would think after nearly 19 years of friendship they would listen to you" she grumbled. I was confused now.

"Friends?" I inquired. "I saw you together in the newspaper though."

"Oh, she had invited me to attend the event, but trust me I'm straight. I have a boyfriend too" she laughed. I felt a enormous amount of weight leave my shoulders and I breathed out in relief.

"Besides Naomi's in love with someone already. If she'll get her head out of her ass maybe she would be happier" I started to get uncomfortable at the mention of Naomi interested in someone.

"Whoever it is I'm sure their very lucky, and I hope Naomi figures it out. She hasn't really been talking to me, but maybe you pass on the message" I gave a small smile. 

"Yeah, you are lucky" Danielle said leaning against the counter next to me.

"What?" Again I was confused.

"You really can't see it can you? I guess you haven't known her for too long so that's understandable. Naomi's in love with Camila Cabello, honey" she said. My eyes went wide and my heart rate jumped.

"No she's not. We were just friends" I reasoned. Was Naomi really in love with me? The thought sent lightning through me. Typical of me to think of storms. 

"Now you sound like her. She told me all about how you met in that storm. Then the assassination attempt, and the ex problems. Naomi tells me everything, and she confessed to me that she loves you. I saw my friend completely heartbroken when she left you at your house. I had never seen her like that before" Danielle explained. I fidgeted with my hands and stared at the floor trying to process this. "And by the looks of it you love her too, don't you?" My head snapped up and I wasn't sure why I wanted to cry then. 

"I do. I have since we got caught in that storm" I said quietly. I saw her and Frank exchange a smile, and Danielle pulled me in for a hug.

"This is by far the happiest day ever! You need to go tell Naomi now! She was headed to the airport to go back to that store!" 

"Naomi hasn't talked to me in weeks! Why would I bother her now?" I whined. 

"Ya'll need to get your shit together or I'm going to do it for you. This old man has seen far too much, and would like to see his girls happy before he dies. Now get your little ass to that airport!" Frank huffed. Danielle and I stared at him momentarily before we turned to each other.

"I guess I'm going to the airport" I shrugged.

Naomi's POV 

I waited in my terminal to be called for boarding. I dreaded going to the store that had Camila engraved in it. I blame the storm. The storm was what brought us together. I was irritated with the talk Danielle had done with me on the way to the airport. She continued to push me to go to Camila, but I refused. I pulled my black hoodie over my head. I looked at it sadly in my hands. It didn't smell like her anymore. Camila had a distinct smell. Like everything sweet in the world. The sound of her voice was like the greatest melody I had heard.

"Naomi" Kind of like that....

"Naomi!" I looked around confused. Why did it sound like she was actually here? I turned back around to be slammed into by something. I grunted at the impact and was winded. The little arms around me were familiar. That scent...

"Camila?" I said astonished. She looked up with those beautiful brown orbs and smiled.

"Hi, Mimi" she breathed. I held her tighter in my arms and placed kisses on her head while she giggled. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I like coming here. I went to see Frank, but I ran into Danielle too" I stiffed at the mention of Danielle. Sure enough the asshole was smirking me behind Camila. 

"What did you tell her?!" I growled. I felt a tugging on my shirt and looked at Camila. She had the brightest smile on her face, but it only confused me more.

"Everything" she whispered. My eyes widened and I went to yell at Danielle for telling her. Nothing came out because I was yanked down and Camila placed a kiss on my lips. Her arms circled around me neck and my hands found her waist. The kiss was gentle, caring, and loving. There wasn't any tongue or roaming hands. It was sweet, and conveyed all of our love to each other.  Camila pulled away to rest her forehead on mine. "Are you cranky Mimi?" I laughed and pulled her even closer.

"After a kiss like that, how could I be?" I whispered back. I could still taste the cherry from Camila's lips and remembered we were being watched. "Happy now El?" I asked teasingly. 

"Very. She's good for you Naomi. She got you to get your head out of the ground" she said with her arms crossed. I laughed and Camila snuggled into me. 

"Camila.." I held my breath. She looked up with a smile.


"I love you Littles" I breathed my heart in my throat. 

"I love you too Mimi" I leaned down to give her another kiss. I held her firmly against me and felt her smile against my lips. "I blame the storm for this." I laughed and nuzzled her neck. 

"I blame it too"

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