It Begins

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Naomi's POV

I took a deep breath and walked through the doors. I was at Camila's concert. What the hell am I doing here? After seeing Camila off I had spent the past two months at war with myself if I should come. Now here I am at the loudest, craziest, rowdiest concert I've ever been to. I took my seat and waited for it to start. I then saw her burst onto stage in a tight black dress with high black boots, and her brown hair in soft curls. She had makeup on, but not over the top. I stood up with the rest of the crowd, but didn't let out a sound. I watched as she sang and danced across the stage. I was impressed and smiled as I remembered what she had looked like with my pajamas on. If she had wore that to the concert that would have been an interesting sight... All too soon she was on her last song. As I listened to the words I abruptly looked up. The song was called Real Friends. I watched as she sang the song with her all. I continued to listen carefully and I felt myself beginning to tear up. No one has nor will they ever make Naomi Valor cry. Yet Camila Cabello just did. I decided that now was the time to start heading backstage. I had bought the backstage ticket just to be a surprise and see if she would even remember me. As I neared the front of the stage something caught my eye. One man in the front row stood stone still. His eyes had a dull or possessed look. It gave me the chills and I immediately felt something wasnt right. And then it hit me. I knew who this man was, and I had never wanted to see him again. I didnt realize that I had started walking towards him. Then I saw the shininess of metal from his waistband. Out of reflex I sprinted to the stage and catapulted myself on. Camila was saying her goodbyes when I tackled her to the ground. Gunshots whizzed past my back. A burning sensation began to manifest. I knew I had been grazed, but I ignored it. Camila fought against me, but I picked her up and ran off stage. I flashed my ID to the security and police officers and continued on my path outside of the revenue.

"Put me down! What are you doing? Let me go!" She screamed. I've got to admit the woman had some fight left in her.

"You need to go somewhere safe. I'm going to have to blindfold you" I nearly growled. I was merely angry at the situation, but it earned me a look of fear from the woman in my arms. Shit. "Even you cant know wh ed re you are. If anyone knows your location it could be deadly." She co tinted to stare at me in utter shock. I tied a bandana over her eyes once we had made it to my car. I spend off, but then tried to blend in with traffic.

"Where are you taking me?" Her voice was steady, but I could tell she was nervous.

"Somewhere safe. You've just had your first assassination attempt" I responded. I saw her stiffen and hold the door handle with a death grip. Confident we weren't being followed I finally head to our destination. It took a good 3 hours to get there even with me speeding part of the way. We finally arrived and I got out of the car.  I opened Camilas door and helped her out. It was dark outside now and I took off the bandana. I heard her gasps and look around. Trees surrounded us and a decent sized house stood before us.

"Where are we" she breathed.

"My house" She turned her head to me and seemed to sudden realize who I was.

"Naomi" she whispered. I smiled at her and gestured for her to follow me. We entered the house and I watched as she looked around. There was a chandelier directly above us. Two staircases on either side of us leading upstairs, a small set going down in front of us a few steps where a living room was off to the left. To the right was a small dining room. Beyond there was another den like room to the right and a small kitchen lay in the left corner. The design was semi rustic with a modern touch. The wall on the far side of the house connecting the kitchen and the den sat two french doors that hinted at the scenery in the backyard.

"You're free to go anywhere in the house. Theres five bedrooms upstairs. Two underneath us at the very downstairs. Also below us is my gym, cellar, and private office. Whichever room you choose I'll bring some clothes in for you. I hope you dont mind mine too much" I smiled at her. There was a look of utter shock on her face.

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