Its A Start

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Camila's POV

Naomi and I were going to Spain for our honeymoon. We decided to stay at a cottage on the outskirts of a town that a couple was offering. I set down my bags and admired it. A fire place lay to my left with a large couch and rug in front of it. A little kitchen lay tucked away to the left of the far side of the room. To the right of the kitchen was a dining room. A staircase was at the front of the house. Naomi came stumbling in and I laughed.

"Hey, this is cute. I think I twisted something coming in" she grimaced. I gave her a kiss on the nose and smiled.


"Much. Should we get settled for our two weeks?"

Once we were settled I dressed into some more comfortable clothes. I put on my red shorts with the white stripes on the sides. I then put on a white fitted V-neck shirt. I didnt put on any shoes, so I was just going to go bare foot. Naomi had matching shorts in the black version, and had my Led Zepplin shirt. I went to the back door that had a cute little window with a little curtain in it. I opened it and went outside. The sunshine met my skin and the smell of nature consumed me. I felt the soil beneath my feet and grinned. I felt almost like a child playing outside. My wife walked out to me and took in her surroundings. The way the sun highlighting her hair, the sparkle in her eyes, and the curve of her mouth in a small smile. I almost couldnt breathe. Naomi caught me staring and I looked away with my cheeks burning.

"Come on. Let's go snuggle. I'm exhausted from the flight over" she held her hand out for me to take and we walked back in the house hand in hand. The rest of the day was a movie, game night that may have gotten out of hand.

We were playing scrabble when Naomi cried out in frustration.

"That's not even a word! You're a cheater" she grumbled.

"Refly is a word, and I would never cheat of you" I said softly. I saw her cheeks turn a rosy pink and I did a little victory dance inside.

"Still not a word" she muttered.

Once it had gotten late we went upstairs to relax in bed.

"I'm going to take a shower" I said. Naomi didnt seem to hear me since the TV was on and she was nearly half asleep. I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. Once the shower was warm I stepped in and started the wet my hair. I heard the click of the door and froze. I wrapped my arms around my chest and waited to see if Naomi had walked in. I heard a shuffling and I assumed she must have needed to go to the bathroom. I giggled at how comfortable we were together already. Then the door to the shower slid open. I squeaked in surprise and Naomi stepped in. Water was now getting in my eyes since I had backed up some, but I could still see most of her tanned skin.

"Sorry if I scared you" she breathed. Her voice sounded almost husky and I grew more wet than from the shower. I couldnt speak. I then felt her gentle hands start to run through my hair and lightly massage my scalp.

"You know showers are supposed to be for getting clean. Not just standing like a deer in headlights" she murmured. I felt tingles spread throughout my body at her touch. I could feel my arms loosen around myself, being drawn to her. I felt her lips on my forehead and I closed my eyes in bliss.

"Just let me know if you get uncomfortable or if you are already. I'll leave" she whispered. My eyes shot open and I closed the distance between us. I wrapped my arms around her and felt her breasts against mine. We were flush against each other now, but I wasnt nervous.

"No, I like you being here" I managed to get out. She continued to stroke my hair and rinse the soap she had put there. The showerhead was directly above us so we both were under the water. I grabbed a loofah and put some soap on it. Now I was nervous. I've never done this before with anyone. What if she gets uncomfortable? I shoved my thoughts away and began to gently scrub her body. My face felt like it was burning as my eyes roamed her body. From her slender shoulders, to her arms, to her chest, to her toned abs, but I stopped there. I was embarrassed to look any further.

We finished our little scenario in the shower, and were shy when we went back to the bed. I had just seen my wife naked. And I liked it. A lot.

Naomi's POV

I replayed what had just transpired in the shower in my mind. I loved how beautiful Camila was all natural, but to see her naked had been a completely different experience. When I had touched her, her skin was baby soft. I wanted to kiss it. I shivered at the direction my thoughts were going. It's this what happens on a honeymoon?

I decided to wear a shirt and my boy shorts to bed. Camila had pajama shorts and a crop top as her nightwear. She snuggled under the covers while I joined her. Sleeping together wasnt new to us, but there was still a shyness at the new position we were in. I turned to my side facing her and noticed that she was already facing me. We smiled knowingly and scooted closer together. My arm circled around her waist protectively and I could feel her warm skin under my hand. She brought her hands to the collar of my shirt like she usually did. She always like to snuggle up beneath my chin.

"Naomi?" Camilas voice sounded uncertain.

"Hmm?" I could feel her fingers fidgeting with the collar of my shirt. 

"Why did you come to the shower?" she whispered. I wrapped my leg around her to some how being her closer.

"I wanted to be close to you" I said simply. I could feel her shift her legs so that we were entangled together.

"I liked it" she said sleepily. I shifted to kiss her nose.

"Me too"

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