The Video

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Camila's POV

OMG. I said yes!? I clung on to Naomi not wanting to let go. We were back home and starting to plan everything out. Thankfully, since Naomi owned Valor, she would be able to go with me where ever I am. I had worried that my being away for tours would cause a problem. Being the amazing woman she is, my fiancee took care of that. I smiled at the thought of having a fiancee. I was busy grabbing a glass of juice when I felt arms circle around my waist. Naomi hugged me and kissed my temple.

"What are you upto?" she breathed next to my ear. I shivered at her breath.

"Just grabbing some juice. Want some?" She shook her head and released me.

"No, but thank you. Do you want to do some more planning?" I turned in her arms and smiled.

"We're not getting married tomorrow Naomi. Most of our planning is already done" I laughed. I loved how excited she was about this. Dont get me wrong, I was just as excited, but I was more the savory kind than the speed it up one.

"I'm just excited" She released me and jumped on the counter. "We still havent told the rest of the world you know." I froze at this. No one even knew that we were dating except for our close family and friends that had kept it a secret too.

"How are we going to tell them?" I was nervous. Something like this out of the blue would cause a huge ruckus. I didnt want to drag Naomi into that world.

"I know you're worried that the media is going to have a field day with this. If you're that unsure, we can wait. I'll wait til you're ready, ok?" she smiled gently.

"I love you. I am worried, but I know you can handle it. I appreciate you letting me take my time with this" I walked over so that my hands rested on her thighs. "I'm ready if you are."

"Ok. How about you make it fun? Like do a live video?"

"A live video?" What is she talking about?

"Yeah! Do a live video on like Instagram and when you get a certain amount of viewers the big news will be revealed" Naomi explained excitedly. I laughed at her childlike suggestion.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Definitely. If you dont like that way, then we can think of something else" I trailed my fingers down her legs.

"Let's do it" I smiled.

"Ok, when?"


"NOW!?" Her eyes went wide.

"Yeah, I want to be able to post about my fiancee! I'm tired of being secretive, but we will still have our private things to ourselves" I bit my lip waiting for her answer.

"If you say so babe. Go for it"

The plan was set. I turned on my laptop and got ready for the video. It had been so long since I had done one I wasnt sure how many would actually watch. The light started blinking.

"Hey everyone! Its Camila here and I have some big news! So I've been keeping a secret from you, but trust me it's well worth it!" I paused and placed my left hand over my face so my ring would show. I loved the ring Naomi gave me. It was a simple silver band with a light blue diamond that sat in the middle on it's own. It wasnt a huge diamond that most celebrities might be wearing, but that's what made me love it more. It wasnt about the ring. It was about my spouse. I read that there were already 1,000 people watching my video and commenting on my ring.

"So I got engaged, and the only way you'll find out who it is, is if there are 10,000 people that are watching. I say this because this is a big thing and I'm a private person. So why not make it a little challenge? My fiancee is actually right here with me so as soon as the number is met, they will show their face" I smiled. I looked over to Naomi who was barely containing her laughter.

"Not a peep out of you! You're not allowed to say or do anything that will give them a hint" I teased. I saw several comments of fans guessing who my better half was. None of which were right. 5,000 viewers.

"Half way to the number! I'm really curious to see what your reaction will be when they're revealed" I looked over to Naomi who sat on the floor by the couch. The video didnt show the house. Only the back of the couch and myself. Naomi went to stand and motioned that her foot fell asleep. She fell over and clawed at her foot trying not to make a sound. I burst into laughter and placed a hand over my mouth.

"I'm sorry, but my fiancee's foot fell asleep and they fell over in the most dramatic way possible" 9,000 viewers. "Oh! You guys are almost there! I'm reading all of your comments and so far no one has guessed them right." 10,000 viewers.

"I guess you made the number goal. So they're going to pop their head over and then please try not to all comment at once. I'll count down" I explained. I looked over at Naomi and she stood up and went to me. She nodded her head that she was ready and waited for her cue.

"One" The excited comments flowed through.

"Two" Naomi and I smiled at each other. This is it.

"Three!" Naomi tentatively moved over in view of the camera.

"Hello. So, yeah. Let me just say this now. I was the one that proposed" she joked. I elbowed her stomach playfully. The comments flooded in. I knew it! I love you guys! I'm so happy for you! I totally ship it! Naomi and I laughed.

"If anyone has anything they would like to ask, now would be the time" Naomi offered. One comment caught our attention. How did you guys meet?

"So, how we met" I trailed off.

"It all kind of started with a storm..." Naomi smiled at me. I saw the love in her eyes and I knew then and there that this woman, my soon-to-be wife, was the one.

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