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Camila's POV

I woke up to birds chirping and softness surrounding me. I sat up slowly and realized I was in the room I had chosen. I really need to stop making Naomi carry me. It has been almost a month since I've "moved in." I remembered the garden outside and went over to the window. The sky was still slightly cloudy from the storms that continuously came through. I looked down to the floor and saw a rainbow of different flowers. I smiled at how pretty they looked and the person that had planted them. I jumped. Had I really just thought that? I shook my head and went to leave the room. As I went down the stairs I noticed some pictures on the wall. There was pictures of Naomi as a child. I knew she was only 21, and it still baffled me. I reached the bottom of the stairs and smelled pancakes. I was drawn to the kitchen and saw Naomi cooking over the stove in black Adida pants with the white stripes on the sides, blue shirt, and running shoes. I blinked and watched as she flipped a pancake. 

"Hey there. I wasn't expecting to see you up so early. I was making some pancakes if you want some" she said. She turned to look at me and smiled. Naomi put a hand over her mouth like she was laughing. 

"What?" I said confused. She turned off the stove and walked over. 

"Oh, honey. What did you do? Wrestle with the sheets?" she laughed. I blushed as she smoothed out my hair. "There. Ready for some pancakes?" She walked back into the kitchen and put some on a plate. I sat on one of the bar stools at the counter while she stood. She had a bowl of granola while I ate the pancakes with no holding back. These pancakes are fucking delicious. 

"You make really good pancakes! I could literally eat these every morning" I said after I finished one. Naomi laughed and took a bite of her granola. 

"As you wish Ms. Cabello" She paused to put her bowl in the sink. "I'm going to go for a run before my work out. Do you need anything before I go?" I frowned at her and set down my fork. 

"Naomi, you really shouldn't run. What about your back?" She shrugged as if it were no big deal. 

"I'll be fine. My phone number is on the fridge. If you need me just call me. Even for the small things" she pointed a finger at me to show she was serious. She stood in the doorway leading to the back making sure I nodded my head. "I'll be back soon." And she was gone. I watched her jog a while before she disappeared on a trail leading in the trees. I had remembered how she had turned on the TV and watched Supergirl for a while. I heard the back door open and I turned to see Naomi panting. 

"I'm going to go down to the gym. Still ok up here?" she said between pants. 

"I'll be ok. If not I'll just go downstairs" I responded. She nodded and walked away. I was surprised at how normal this felt. How close I felt that I had gotten to her. I wanted to know more. I decided to go downstairs to keep her company instead. As I was walking down the stairs I heard the muffled sound of music. I cracked open the door to the gym and saw Naomi lifting some weights. I then listened to the song and realized what it was. It was my song Real Friends. I smiled to myself knowing that she liked my songs. I looked at Naomi and realized that she had pulled out a dummy that would usually be used for martial arts. I watched as she began doing punches and kicks. I saw the bandage that covered the cut, reminding me what we were here for.  There was a part in my song where it had started to pick up and the chorus echoed in the room. My eyes widened when I saw Naomi get more aggressive with the dummy. Naomi delivered a series of punches and kicks and then a roundhouse that sent it across the room. My song ended and I stood leaning against the doorway. 

"Something bothering you, Naomi?" I asked softly. She spun around to look at me. Her dark brown curly hair was drawn into a ponytail, but some strands had escaped to frame her face. She had taken off her workout shirt and was left in her pants and sports bra. Those abs....

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