Bras and Underwear

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Naomi's POV

I knew I left Camila flustered and I was proud of myself. She left me flustered all night with her little 'cuddle time'. I put on some light skinny jeans, burgundy  V-neck, white and brown coat/sweater, and brown cowgirl boots. I wanted to be a casual spice today. That was quickly put to shame when Camila came downstairs. She had a white sweater that went off the shoulder teasingly, dark skinny Jean's, and white converse. It was casual, comfy clothes, but damn was she sexy.... The knowing smile on her face snapped me out of my stupor. I shook my head and went to make coffee. I had my back turned to her and I felt little arms around my waist.

"Are you cranky?" she mock whined.

"No, I'm just making coffee" I said. I felt her lean her head on my back.

"Are you cranky about last night?" The way she asked was almost scared. I almost didnt hear her. I turned in her arms and looked at her.

"I'm not cranky, I promise" I smiled. She smiled back and I tapped her nose lightly. "Want to help me make breakfast?" She smiled in response and we set to work. 

Camila fiddled with the sleeve of her sweater and I set my fork down. 

"Something bothering you?" I raised an eyebrow playfully. She looked up at me with her chocolate brown eyes and my breath was gone. 

"You didn't do your workout today" she said. I smiled.

"I'll do it later today. I wanted to spend the morning with you this time. Unless you like your alone time?" She blushed.

"No! I mean, I don't mind that you're here. It was just a little out of no where that's all" 

"How about we go swimming today?" I asked. 

"It was just raining!" her eyes went wide.

"So? Come on! It'll be something different" I got out of my chair and snaked my way over to her.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she stuttered. I picked her up bridal style.

"Going swimming!" Camila then tried to get away from me. She lightly beat on my chest and swung her legs around.

"No! Naomi I swear, if you don't put me down you're sleeping in your own room today! Put me down!" I went out the back door and out to the pool that I had made. It was big. Really big. There was also a jacuzzi  I had put off to the side because I knew how cold it could get outside. Meanwhile Camila continued to threaten and thrash. I stepped to the edge of the pool and stood a moment looking at Camila with an evil gleam in my eye.

"You wouldn't dare" she said with a low growl. 

"Try me honey" I stepped off the ledge of the pool and took Camila with me. Ice cold water surrounded us and I let her free. When we came back to the surface Camila was gasping.

"You're horrible! It's freezing in here! You're going to pay for this Naomi Valor" she glared at me, but I saw the hint of a smile. I waded over to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

"It's not that bad. You just need to start moving around" I smiled. Camila continued to glare at me and pushed away. I watched as she got out and started to take off her clothes. My jaw dropped and I was almost positive that I was drooling. She took off everything except her bra and underwear, showing off her toned stomach and legs, and baby smooth skin. She grinned at me knowing I was staring and walked over to the jacuzzi. I got out of the pool and did the same. I kept my distance at first not trusting myself. We just slept together last night in just our bra and underwear. Why am I am so nervous now? That's when it hit me. She knew.

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