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Naomi's POV

I have a feeling Camila hates me. It's been six months. I had seen that she broke up with her boyfriend and was focusing on her career for now. I may not talk to her, but I did try to see how she was doing. I had started working strictly from home. So far I've loved it, but it does get lonely. I was making some coffee since it was still early morning when I got a call.


"Naomi Valor?" A man's voice asked. I furrowed my brows in confusion.


"We have a Ms. Camila Cabello here who is being placed under protection. She explained to us that you had protected her before and insisted we call you. Are you able to accept this task?" he questioned.

"Of course. I'll pick her up as soon as I can. Where am I going to wait for her?" He gave me an address and I quickly got ready. I didnt even give it a second thought.

When I arrived at the address I saw several police cars parked around the perimeter. It was a small business building. I got out of my jeep and approached the doors. When I entered, I had a dozen guns trained on me. I raised my hands in surrender and my heart raced. What the hell was going on?

"Stand down. This is the new bodyguard. Ms. Valor if I could talk to you a moment" A man with a superior aura about him lead me to a nearby office. "Ms. Valor, I'm sergeant Wilkins. I am the lead officer in Ms. Cabello's case. It would seem that her ex didnt take kindly to their separation and gave some death threats. This man doesnt have a history, but Ms. Cabello was fairly rattled. I've researched your history as well Ms. Valor. I would say I'm quite impressed. Mr. Valor made sure that you were able to care for yourself. I trust that you will do the same for Ms. Cabello. She's in the next room, if you'll follow me" We walked back out into the hall and he opened a door. Camila sat in a chair with her head down. When she heard the door she looked up and our eyes met.

"Camila...." I said softly. She ran to me and clung to my sweater. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me and i held her close. My right hand rubbed circles on her back soothingly while my left held the back of her head that was buried in my chest. "You're ok. You're safe. I'm here for you" I whispered to her. Sobs racked her body. My heart constricted at the sound. I thanked the officer and led Camila to my car. The ride back to my house was silent. I didnt bother blindfolding her this time. When we arrived she still held a blank stare and said nothing. Once again like most of our visits, it was starting to rain. She knew her way around and immediately went to the room she had stayed at, last she was here. I looked on sadly as she simply sat on the bed and looked out at the garden below. She had always loved that garden.

"Would you like to go out into the garden?" I asked softly. Camila turned back to me with haunted eyes. She shook her head.

"I just want to rest right now. Do you still have those pajamas?" I smiled. I had kept the pajamas she loved so much in the rooms closet. When I retrieved them I handed them to her. Before I could turn to leave she was lifting off her shirt. I caught a glimpse of purple and blue bruises on her toned stomache. I gave a little gasp. That's when I saw that her knuckles were a nasty green as well.

"Camila" I whispered. I was horrified, but most of all I was pissed. I was really fucking pissed.

"He didnt like that i didnt want to go" she said softly. I admired her strength at not crying. Not flinching, but I was saddened at her not showing any emotion either.

"Let's get you dressed and have a movie day. I'll get you some ice too if you need it. Pancakes sound good?" I saw a flash in Camila's eyes at the mention of pancakes. I chuckled and leaned over to kiss her head. "I'll be downstairs with them. When you're done you can pick out a movie, ok?" My hand cupped her cheek for a moment and I left her to finish changing. This girl has been through so much in the past few years, and she takes it like a pro. I was getting the pancake mix when I heard Camila's footsteps patter down the stairs. I smiled as she walked over to the couch. She just needs a break. I saw her pick the movie Amelie. I had never watched it fully through, but Camila apparently liked it. I brought the pancakes I had made with me and sat on the couch. Camila grabbed a pancake from the plate and sat beside me. I glanced over at her and smiled.

Camila's POV

I dont know what possessed me to have the police call Naomi. Naomi of all people! But deep down i knew why she had came to mind, and it worried me. I'm here with her in her house for the unforeseen future? Again!? I glanced over at her to see her dozing off. I chuckled to myself. I was tired too, despite it being midday. I'd been through a lot. Give me a break. I snuggled into the couch and slowly began closing my eyes.

When I woke up it was dark out. Must have slept most of the day. My eyes refused to open still. Then I felt something warm surrounding me. It was comfortable and made me feel safe. I noticed that whatever was beneath me was raising and falling in steady beats. I felt somethi ng else lightly blowing on my hair at the top of my head. I was laying on my stomach. When I slowly started to open my eyes I realized what I was laying on. Naomi was completely passed out. Her steady breathes indicated she wouldn't wake up. My head was on her chest, and my arms had hugged her sides. When I went to gently lift myself from her I felt her arms circling around me. I sighed and decided to enjoy it while I could. My hands rested on her chest and my chin rested on my hands. I studied her face. I wanted to memorize it. Her brown curls lay bundled under her. She was soft, but I could feel the firmness of her abs. I could get used to this. I smiled. I turned my head so my cheek was on my hands. I could hear her heartbeat. I closed my eyes again and just listened. I felt her stir beneath me and I pretended to be asleep still. She stiffened realizing our position and slid her hands slowly off of my back. She lay still for several moments. Then I felt her lightly rubbing my back. It felt like bliss and I nearly groaned at how good it felt. It wasnt sexual or inappropriate. It just felt..... loving. Then I heard her whisper.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. I promise that nothing will get you here. Then maybe someday I can tell you this burden that has weighed down on me for the past 3 years" She wrapped her arms around me and gently made her way out from underneath me. She picked me up and cradled me to her chest. I snuggled into her knowing she'd think I was asleep. I knew she was taking me to the room, but I didnt want to be there by myself. The bruises on my torso reminded me of that.  I liked it when we were on the couch. When I felt the bed appear beneath me this time I opened my eyes. She was already going to leave the room.

"Mimi" Her name made her pause and turn back slowly. "Will you stay here?" I bit my lip unsure if what she would say.

"Let me just get my pajamas. I'll be right back Littles" she responded. I watched her leave and pulled the covers she had put on me up to my chin. She returned and eyed me unsure. "Are you sure you want me to stay in here?" I nodded my head. I turned to my side away from her. She got into bed and turned off the light. I wiggled my way closer to her without touching her. What happened next I wasnt expecting. She pulled the covers over herself too, but then wrapped an arm around my waist, hugging me tightly to her. My back against her stomach felt good.

"Good Night Littles" she whispered.

"Good Night Mimi" And we were out like a light.

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