The End

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Camila's POV

One year later

I wobbled my way from my chair after getting my hair and make up done and went to get ready to go on set. I was being interviewed today on my life and career. I felt a kiss on my temple and it startled me.

"You'll be fine Littles" Naomi murmured in my ear. I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"As long you are here" I was motioned to go sit down on my couch. The woman was new and I saw that even she was star struck with having the Cabello's here.

"Hello, Camila! Thank you so much for agreeing to do the interview. So let's just get right into it!" She asked me questions about my career and how it was going on now. Then she got more personal.

"So, what was it like when you first met Naomi?" I laughed at this because of the memories now swarming my mind.

"Well, it wasnt the most convenient meeting. We met when there was a storm and I was trying to get away from some paparazzi and the rain. We often joke around about blaming the storm for bringing us together" I smiled.

"Then how is your marriage?" I grew uncomfortable with these questions because it made it seem like they were trying to just find the gossip, and the flaws in our relationship.

"If you had told me that I would be married to a woman like Naomi at the beginning of my career, i probably wouldn't have believed you. We've been married for a year now and i still feel like we're teenagers dating. I mean we are both fairly young still anyway" The woman gave me a smile, but it was fake.

"And how is your pregnancy coming along?" I put a hand on my protruding belly and giggled.

"Well, it's not easy I'll tell you that, but its going by great. Naomi has been a paranoid wife, but I dont mind the attention" This got a laugh from our little crowd. I saw Naomi scowling behind the camera. We had talked about kids while we were on our honeymoon and she had immediately agreed that she would want to have some. Thus, the situation I found myself in now. Once my interview was over I went to straight to the woman I love. 

"So, I'm paranoid huh?" she smirked. She placed her hands on my stomach and gently carrassed it. 

"Yes, you've had me follow the strict diet, and you treat me like I'll break" I raised an eyebrow. 

"You're carrying precious cargo!" she pouted. I laughed and placed my hand on her cheek. 

"Mimi. I understand the responsibility that this comes with, but that doesn't mean that everything will go wrong if you stray just once" I said softly. We went out to the car that a valet had waiting for us and took off. I was actually pretty tired. Even though I only sat down and answered questions. I held Naomi's hand over the center-console and placed my other hand on our baby. I can't wait til this little gets here in a few weeks. Naomi and I had already decorated the nursery, and we had picked out the name.  Karla Rebekah Storm. The names that we wanted her to have. To hopefully be proud of her parents, but also not have the spotlight name that would cause uproar. Frank had actually suggested the name Storm for what had brought us together. Danielle has agreed to be the godmother and is also constantly checking on how we were doing. I smiled at the love that I had surrounding me. I looked to the woman in the driver's seat and I felt overwhelmed. Naomi caught my eye and smiled.

"Are you ok, honey? You seem a little pink there" She squeezed my hand and glanced at me. Not paranoid my ass...

"I'm fine. We're fine. I was just reflecting" I sighed contentedly. 

Naomi's POV

Holy shit, where's my car key's!? Why can't I find my fucking car keys! I was frantically looking around the house for my car keys. Camila's water had broken and it was only a matter of time before Karla was here. 

"Babe, your keys are hanging right next to the door" Camila was the calm one in this situation. How she was, I have no fucking clue, but I'm glad that she can slap some sense into me. "Are you sure you don't want to call a cab?" 

"I'm fine. I promise. Let's just get you two to the hospital" She gave me a knowing look that I would probably pass out as soon as we got there. 

At the hospital they put her in a wheelchair and lead us to a room. I clung to Camila's hand and she was trying to calm me down, rather than the other way around. Finally, after several pushes, a punch (long story), and me nearly fainting, I heard my daughter's cries. A nurse placed her directly on Camila's chest which caused me to laugh at her facial expression. I crouched down to look my wife in the eyes and saw unshed tears there. Her beautiful brown eyes held happiness and joy. They then took her away to be cleaned and I saw a frown appear on her face. 

"She will be back my love. You can spend all the time you want with her from here on out. You get to watch her grow, and become a strong, independent woman like her mother" I soothed. I placed a kiss on her sweat streaked forehead and then on her lips. 

"I know, but I guess I just have to get the hang of the mother instincts" she muttered. I giggled and Karla was brought back to us. I grinned at the baby that now stopped crying and was trying desperately to open her eyes. 

"Littles, look. She has your nose, and your cheeks" I looked on at my little family fondly. Her tiny hand wrapped around my finger and I froze. I was in awe of the little human that I was now responsible for. This is going to be a fun learning curve... I looked over to see Camila's eyes dropping and I smoothed some of her hair with her free hand. I took Karla in my arms and sat in the armchair beside her bed. She flinched for a moment looking for her daughter, and I held her hand.

"Sleep, mi amor. I'll watch our daughter" I whispered. Her chocolate eyes were misty and I saw smile on her face.

"I love you Mimi" she murmured.

"I love you too Littles. Through the storm and all"

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