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Naomi's POV

Returning home Camila said nothing. We went to our rooms to change. I heard my door open as I put my boy shorts on. Thankfully I was in the bathroom and she hadn't seen my bare ass with just a sports bra on. I peeked my head out to see that she was in a sports bra and underwear too.

"Camila dont you want to put something warm on?" I asked softly. I'll admit I'm not shy to stand in my bra and underwear. It was just like the locker room, right? But I wasnt sure if I trusted myself with Camila like this yet.

"Can we just lay down in the room?" she asked quietly. Needless to say I was surprised at her request, but I saw how tired she looked. We went to our usual room and she got under the covers. I had never been in bed with her with such little clothes. I began to feel warm already. There was a TV in the room so I turned it on to watch Supergirl. I was laying on my back and Camila scooted closer to me. I thought that she just wanted a hug, but instead she decided to lay ON TOP OF ME. Her skin against mine sent tingles throughout my body and I tried not to squirm. Her arms circled around my neck and head while her legs tangled within mine. I hesitantly put my own arms around her. Camila's head was partially on my shoulder. Her nose brushed against my neck and I felt her warm breath on my skin. We cuddled together, sure, but not like this. And.... I liked it. A little too much so. I continued to watch Supergirl and knew that Camila had fallen asleep. I heard the patter of rain outside. I now have a love-hate relationship with storms.

Camila's POV

I had been so tired. I was shivering from being drenched by the rain. I tried to think of the warmest thing to put on. Naomi. I was startled by my thoughts, but I found my legs being controlled by something else. I went to Naomi's room and found her in the bathroom getting ready. Only she didnt have any clothes besides her bra and underwear. I felt my breath hitch, but I found myself asking her to come to bed. When we did I was surprised at my own actions. I dont know what possessed me to lay on top of her, but I'm glad I did. She was warm like my own big teddy bear. Her smell made me smile and I felt her hands touch my bare back. I listened to her steady breathing and was eventually lulled to sleep.

When I woke up I was still on top of Naomi. She was asleep still, and I laid there taking in her warmth. We had gone to sleep early so the sun was just starting to rise. I'm amazed at my own bravery in asking her to do this. I'm really glad she didnt say no though. If waking up with Naomi holding me was my favorite thing before, it was now in second place. My new favorite was our skin-to-skin contact. Hers was so soft and warm that I lightly dragged my fingertips against her side. I felt her shiver beneath me and smiled. I can do that even while she's asleep? A flash of cocky pride ran through me as I continued to trace her skin. I felt her stir, but I couldnt see her face since I was in her neck.

"Comfy there Littles?" she rasped. God her morning voice.... A shiver ran through me and I felt her arms around me tighten. "Are you cold?" I could only shake my head. I realized I had still been running my fingers up and down her side the entire time.

"I dont think I've ever had a girl lay on me half naked before" she murmured. My head snapped up and she chuckled. "I've never been in bed with anyone before" she clarifies. I felt my cheeks burn like fire and I stopped tracing her sides. I felt like saying something, but nothing came out. I wanted to say it, but I couldnt. It was like my voice was gone.

"Are you ok hun?" I looked in her eyes then. I liked when she called me those names. They were endearing and made me feel special. I nodded my head and had to look away so I couldnt give away what I was feeling. She scooted herself higher on the pillow dragging me on top of her. She traced my bare back and I felt another shutter run through me. I looked out the window and saw it was still sprinkling. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of Naomi's hands.

"Camila...." I heard her whisper. I opened my eyes to see the ocean looking back at me. God, I'll never get used to her eyes.

"Hmm?" She placed a hand on my cheek and caressed it with her thumb. It felt amazing. She then sat up with me straddling her now. We both blushed at the position and the covers fell off of us. I was exposed, and I didn't care at all. I saw her eyes run over my body.

"You're beautiful...." she whispered. I felt tears in my eyes and bit my lower lip. She turned to swing her legs off the edge of the bed. She stood up and laid me gently on the bed. She leaned in for a kiss, but instead met my cheek instead of my lips. "I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." She walked out of the room without another glance and I was left sitting on the bed completely stunned. I was turned on, confused, irritated, happy, and excited all at the same time. What the hell was that!?

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