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Camila's POV

It's been a week since Naomi and I went 'swimming'. This morning we got the call that my ex was captured. I was packing the clothes that I had kept at Naomi's for the past few months. I dont want to leave... I zipped up my luggage and set it on the floor. I heard a knock on the door and saw Naomi leaning against the door frame.

"Ready to go?" she asked. I nodded and gave a sad smile. She walked over to me and pulled me into her arms. My hands found the front of her shirt and I traced the neckline. "You know you can always call me. At any time" she murmured. She rubbed my back soothingly and I pulled away before I would lose control.

"I know, but you better expect them at midnight since I'll be busy running around"

"Then I guess I'll have to stay up for you, dont I?" she laughed. I looked up at her and admired the woman in front of me. I would really miss her. Her brown wavy hair that was curly after getting wet. Her bright blue eyes that I wasn't sure were real. Her pearly white smile that exposed her dimples and high cheekbones. Her feminine but muscular tanned body. I would miss getting to lay next to her at night. I didnt know how long I stood there looking into the sky until she said it was time to go.

She drove me home and my family flooded out to greet me. I had missed my family so much! I had called them and texted them while I was at Naomi's house, but nothing compared to seeing them in person. After I had given everyone a hug, I found myself searching for her. But all I saw was the sorrowful look she had before turning away and driving off.

Naomi's POV

Seeing Camila with her family had warmed my heart. I felt a pang of sadness hit me, knowing I wouldn't be able to see my own family. I think it's time to pay Frank Waterman a visit. I booked the next flight our of Miami, and left. I went home.

When I arrived at the little town I nearly cried. I had missed coming here. I walked along the sidewalk allowing memories to flood over my mind. I was wearing my red hoodie, leather jacket, black pants, and boots, so no one really paid attention to me. I stopped dead in my tracks realizing that I dressed like Shank today. I laughed at myself and continued on. I finally made it to Frank's gift shop and took a breath.

"Hey! Naomi's back!" He cheered when I stepped in. Everyone in the store looked at me and cheered. I knew every one of them.

"How have you been?"

"Why did you disappear?"

"Who's this girl Frank keeps telling us about?"

I gave Frank a knowing look at the last question. He shrugged and gave me a sly smile.

"So, who is she?" That voice made a wall of memories slam into me. I turned to see my childhood friend, Danielle.

"Danielle! It's been too long" I smiled pulling her into a hug.

"Its good to see you. So, I hear that you took another assignment?" she raised an eyebrow.

"It wasnt really an assignment. I was just helping a friend" I brushed it off. I knew where this was leading.

"You're friends with celebrities now? Since when? Look, i know that Camila Cabello is nice and pretty, but I'm trying to protect my friend" she said softly. So much for a happy welcoming party.

"I think I've proved myself to be fairly capable of taking care of myself" i grumbled.

"We all know that" an older woman, Ann, said. She had been our schoolteacher some years ago.

"I'm not trying to be rude, and I am very grateful to have people who care for me so dearly, but I'm fine. I promise" I looked at Danielle. She gave a slow smile that turned into a smirk.

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