The Crash

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Naomi's POV

Waking up with Camila was probably my favorite thing to do now. Our routine didnt change. Wake up, kiss her forehead, tuck her in, make breakfast, get ready for workout, kiss Camila before run, and come back. Camila made breakfast every other day. We took turns. I personally liked her cooking better, but she insisted that hers wasnt any good. It's now been a month since Camila has been staying with me. She has nightmares every once in a while about her boyfriend coming for her, but I'm always right next her to calm her down. Today we were going to the store. I know we were trying to stay out of the public eye, but I really needed to grab some things for work purposes. I rolled my eyes at that. Work was now my least favorite thing. When we arrived we went through the back door and went to the loft. I walked to my desk while Camila went to the bedroom.

"What are you up to Camila?" I giggled.

"I'm looking for a jacket!" she called.


"Because I like your jackets" she said coming back out. She held my leather jacket that had grey sleeves, so just the vest part was technically leather. She smiled in triumphed at her find and sat down on the couch. Camila rested her head on her hands as she leaned over the back of the couch facing the desk. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at her.

"By the way Kendrick and Patrica will be coming soon" I said nonchalantly. Camila's eyes went wide.

"Rebecca and Fat Amy!?" she squealed  excitedly. I laughed and shook my head. Damn Pitch Perfect.

"I figured you could use some trusted company. I thought you might get tired of me" I meant it as a joke, but I saw Camila walk around the couch to behind me. She wrapped her arms around my neck from behind me and leaned on my back.

"I dont think that's possible Mimi" she murmured. It sent chills down my spine and I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. I jumped and Camila turned at the same time that I did, not letting go.

"I dont know what's going on here, but if you dont stop I may puke on your pretty flooring" Patrica said with her usual Australian accent. Camila and I laughed and I felt her bury her face in my neck.

"Sorry. We'll try not to" I said.

"Ok you promised games, and I dont see alcohol. By the way we brought snacks, and by snacks i mean any type of food that can be thrown" Anna said. Camila loosened her hold of me and I stood up.

"Sounds good to me. If this turns into a sleepover you guys better not snore" I warned.

"Does Camila snore?" Fat Amy asked.

"Not really, but she does this weird quiet snore thing sometimes" I laughed. Camila punched my arm and walked over to the kitchen.

"If its quiet, how would you been able to hear it?" Anna raised an eyebrow. I felt my face burn and I stuttered things that weren't words. I saw her eyes widen, but she didnt say anything else.

"I'm going to go grab the games, they're in my closet" I said excusing myself. Well, this is going to be a fun night...

Camila's POV

I was getting some bowls from the cabinets for the snacks before Anna walked over to me.

"So how are you hanging?" she asked softly. I smiled and her trying to be nice.

"I'm doing ok. I'm just really tired of hiding, but at the same time I'm scared that he'll find me" I said quietly. Anna only nodded her head and I was grateful that she didnt press the subject. Naomi walked back from the room with a big box in her arms. We played jenga, monopoly (but got bored), parcheesi, charades, and we were now playing cards. It was a new game that Naomi had taught us.

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