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Camila's POV

Naomi was in love with someone? I reread the text over and over again. I think I may be in love with someone.... I felt the sharp pain in my chest as I texted her back.

Me: That's good! I hope it works out for you 😉

Mimi: I hope so too, but they're dating someone right now 😕

Me: Maybe if you talk to them they might feel the same way? Who is it?

Mimi: Its just a friend right now. I'm too chicken to talk to them 🤣

Me: Well, whenever you're ready I think you should

Mimi: Yeah, thanks Littles! I'll text you later though. I'm exhausted. 😪❤

Me: Good Night Mimi

Mimi: Good Night Littles

I stared blankly at the ceiling while I thought about our conversation. Who was the mystery person? Was it a boy or a girl? I tried desperately to get some sleep but to no avail. I paced around my room not being able to keep still.

Naomi's POV

WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO? I paced around the loft of the store unsure of what to do with myself. I wanted to talk to someone about it, but the only person that came to mind was Camila. I'm so frickin screwed. I paced around some more before finally tiring out. Hopefully things will look better in the morning.....

THINGS WERE NOT OK. I woke up in a cold sweat. My dream consisted of Camila getting married to her boyfriend. What a horrible nightmare. I threw my blankets off of me and picked up my phone from the dresser. I had one new message.

Littles: Hope you're having a good day today ❤

The simple message made my heart swell and crack at the same time. I couldnt do anything. I couldnt flirt. I couldn't tell her my feelings. She was dating a guy for fucks sake! I decided not to reply solely so I didnt spurt out stupid shit and make it weird. Then again, not responding did the same thing. I groaned. Why did love have to be so complicated. My attention snapped up then. Love? I was in deep shit now. What was I going to do? I went through my Instagram and snapchat instead. I walked to the kitchen staring at my phone. Camila had posted pictures of her and her boyfriend at the beach. As I kept scrolling I felt jealousy take over. I tossed my phone on the counter and put my hands on my face.

"Why!? Why did I have to go and fucking start up feelings for her? She's my friend! We're just friends right? Then why do I feel like this? I cant think straight. I cant talk. I cant do anything! And all because I cant tell her I love her!" I cried out. I may seem crazy, but saying it out loud helped release some tension.

"Wow. You really like this girl dont you?" I spun around to see Camila reading a book on the couch. God damn it.

"I-i just.... nothing. How did you get in?" She held up a key.

"You're very bad at hiding your spare" she lifted a perfect eyebrow. I gulped. Does she know I love her now? "If you really love this girl, Naomi, why don't you just tell her?" I felt my heart stop. I can't do that!

"B-because I just can't right now Camila. I have to go to work right now. You can stay here if you want to, but I really have to go" I ran back to my room and changed into my white buttoned shirt, black blazer, and matching slacks. As I re-entered the living room Camila had stood up from the couch. 

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