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Naomi's POV

After my speech for the gala I had walked around receiving thank you's. My heels were making my feet hurt already. I had decided to keep the sponsors anonymous because I was afraid that Camila wouldn't show up if she knew. I caught glimpses of her throughout the night.

I felt lost somehow. I watched as Camila walked around with her boyfriend. I avoided them at all costs. I talked with Angelina Jolie, Becky G, Jennifer Aniston, and Anna Kendrick.

"We should have you write our scripts the next time we have to do a speech in a film" Jennifer joked. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one that can write a good speech"

"So, Naomi. Are you planning on disappearing on us again soon?" Angelina asked. I became uncomfortable, but I kept a smile on my face.

"I don't know yet. I have some things to take care of, and Valor doesn't need me hovering all the time. I have very capable employees, and I'm really grateful to work with them" I said shrugging.

"That's so nice!" Anna smiled at me and I lightly punched her should.

"For a lady in a gown, you're not very ladylike" Becky raised an eyebrow. We all laughed and talked about the industry and nothing really important.

"Don't look now Valor, but I see someone giving me the evil eye. I'm pretty sure that's jealousy" Anna said.

I looked to where she gestured and saw Camila look away quickly. I frowned and shook my head.

"I met Ms. Cabello a few times, but nothing that would cause her to be jealous" I answered simply. They all gave me a skeptical look. I turned around again only to see Camila holding on tightly to her boyfriend as they walked out of the venue.

Camila's POV

I continued to ignore and be ignored by Naomi. I couldn't stand to see her with the others. Now I sat in my apartment binge watching Netflix. I had bought myself some flannel pajama pants, but they weren't the same as Naomi's. My dark grey couch wasn't as soft as hers. There wasn't the homey feel like there was at her personal house in the middle of nowhere. When it was just the two of us. I sighed and felt my phone vibrate underneath me. I pulled it out and my floral background greeted me with a notification on the front. It was my boyfriend.

Him: Hey babe. Thought we should make a public appearance. Seattle sound good?

My heart rate increased because I knew that Seattle was where I had ran into Naomi before.

Me: Um, I don't know. I don't want to travel around too much if I need to go do something.

It was a lame excuse I know, but I just really didn't like being with him anymore. It was getting tiring to pretend now.

Him: Come on Camila. You never go out anywhere anymore. Don't be an asshole about it.

I was fuming at this point. Everything I've had to endure these past few years romantically. Trying to find the right thing to do. It all boiled over and I couldn't fight it anymore.

Me: Then just go by yourself! I'm honestly just done with this. I don't need a fucking play by play of your life. I can just read it in a magazine. It gets tiring hearing it over and over again. I'm not going to Seattle with you.

I usually dont curse so much, but I made this an exception. I had finally ended it. I really did. And it felt so..... liberating. I lay sprawled out on my couch and stared at the ceiling. I was free.

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