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A/U: Hey guys! So from now on anything in BOLD is being said in German. I figured it was an eyesore for anyone who doesn't know the language to see it being written in the middle of chapters. 

Also; to clear things up because a few people have made mention to it to me privately... the reason for Jana being so timid around Gannicus, so unsure and weary is simple... it's been six years and she didn't know where he was, what he was doing, or if he was even alive. Not to mention after everything she has seen and been around she's cautious of being hurt, killed or those around her having that done to them. I know if it was me; I would be weary too. He also was her first love and the first man she ever laid with so again that contributes to her weariness.

Also the "revelation" of him being with Melitta I realize came out weird but she already had a feeling that it happened. Even though she also had been with other people what hurt her was that he didn't tell her. NOT that it happened. She also wasn't upset that he was with other women, she was upset that he hadn't tried to make it back to her.

Also as for the direction of her persona; she will be taking a lot of cues from Saxa in the coming chapters in learning how to become a real warrior. As for the storyline I still really haven't decided on an ending; I have about 4 different ones half written right now. :P

Holiday season is coming up so I'll be working a lot more and chapters will likely be once a week. That all being said and I'm really hoping I cleared up some of the errors I made in not making the above more apparent in my writing. I often think you guys are in my head and know what I'm trying to say :{

End of the chapter I have some questions for you guys if any of you would like to answer!! Xoxo much love! Thanks again and sorry if I came off rude wasn't my intent just wanted to answer the PM's I had here just in case anyone else reading had similar questions.


It had been nearly three days since Gannicus' departure from our camp and my heart felt the longing I had meant to show when he was yet with me. I was foolish to reason with caution towards us being reunited. Yet younger me would have jumped into his arms with passion, present day me had seen those I love and care for be but memories. My caution was my way of protecting myself from further pain, yet it was also the cause of such.

"Jana, get your head out of your ass we approach Neapolis." Agron told me as I glared at him, he and I both knew the contents of the ship we were leading the rescue on. Spartacus and Crixus none the wiser that the ranks were to be filled with our people and not an assortment, like the one ship held, or the Gauls like the other.

"Silence we approach the shipping yard, we all know our positions?" Spartacus asked as the few of us who had joined nodded, the few being Agron, Donar, Spartacus, Lucius and myself.

The rain pelted down on us soaking the cloaks we were wearing, my face and hands so wet that I no longer felt anything but the light pings of rain against it. We were lucky the cloaks were keeping our clothing in a mild state of dryness. It would be quite the journey home before we would be anywhere close to being able to dry.

I followed alongside Lucius acting as if I were his body slave, a loose collar hanging around my neck, Agron following close to my side acting as if he were yet another slave a role he was not so eager to play and yet the roles were of his suggestion. "I do not care for the fucking rain." The ship master spat out at us as we all made our way closer and closer to the boat.

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