Alternate Ending 2

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These small extended endings are going to be short and they will be a bit rough as I didn't want to give away too much of the plot if it is to be continued, yet all will be left open-ended in case you guys vote on them to be continued for a few chapters. :D


It had been nine years since we escaped the Romans, Gannicus had made an attempt with Agron to become more... domesticated though as I figured the attempt was futile. He, Agron and a few other former soldiers were now our hunters. It was the only thing they could do the quell the desire to kill, besides training. "Rian!" I cried out as a small boy with hair like mine, eyes like Gannicus and a soul as curious as both of us, was walking far to close to the cliff's edge for my tastes.

"He looks more and more like Gannicus each year," Nasir spoke as he sat down next to me in the grass. "Hopefully this one is a girl and looks like you." He teased me as I let my hand rest on my growing stomach. "We should make an offering to the gods to make it so." I smiled at him as the small boy ran back towards us.

"Mutti!" He called as he knelt down on the blanket close to me. "Vati and Onkle Agron are back." He told me as I smiled, "Well I guess we should get down there and see what they brought back for the village." I smiled to him as without a second breath the boy was already gone.

"Literally, Gannicus." Nasir laughed as he helped me off the ground, "The last six years have been something out of a dream Nasir, with Rian and this village. I often wake from nightmares that one day we will wake up with the Romans standing on our beach dragging us all away in chains to yet face the judgments of our rebellion." I told him as I could hear his breathing become heavy.

"I often have dreams of such too, Jana. I even have nightmares where Agron dies in battle, or you and Gannicus. I think it will take more than the time we've had to overcome those fears... and to really be free from all that pain." He told me as we slowly reached the men. 

We watched as Agron, Gannicus and the other hunters passed out the meat accordingly to each family as many of us would likely head to the small village market to gather vegetables and fruits to complete meals. I just stood there in awe as Rian would take the rabbits or smaller animals and carry them over to each of the families.

"Mutti look! Vati caught us a deer... he said it is for us and Onkle Agron and Nasir for dinner tonight. Do you think we could make a stew?" He asked me happily as I just nodded. "Yes!" He cheered as Gannicus walked towards me enveloping me into a hug.

"Sometimes I feel like you're always pregnant." He teased me as I scowled at him. "Very funny, I almost forgot how funny you could be my love," I told him as he kissed me softly.

"What did you get up to today? Nothing strenuous I hope, Medicus did say to stay off your feet as much as possible." He told me as I looked over to Nasir.

"Besides making preparations for dinner, we sat up on the hill overlooking the ocean making... robes." Nasir told Gannicus for me as I nodded slowly.

"I now lead the most exciting life ever. Rather than ending lives... I make robes to sell to other villages as well as for our own people. You guys weren't gone long what happened?" I asked him.

"Agron and I thought we had stumbled upon a troop of Roman soldiers... it spooked us all... so with what we had already captured we just came back."

"It'll take time for us all to truly live without fear," I told him as he smiled softly to me. "Time I'm willing to wait for, knowing it's time spent with you," Gannicus spoke to me softly as he gently pushed my hair behind my ear kissing me.

"Gross." a small voice back from behind us. Gannicus just laughed softly, "Gross? You find your parents loving each other gross?" He questioned our son.

"No. That is gross." The boy was pointing to one of the small nearby families skinning a rabbit. "Ah... yes then, I agree gross. Come let's get you inside so Agron and I can prepare the deer." Gannicus told me as he picked Rian up before putting his arm around my shoulders leading us back to our small hut.

TBC Let me know in the Comments below if you want THIS story continued a few more chapters!

The English Translation to the German in this chapter

Mati - Mom
Vati - Dad

Onkle - Uncle

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