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Year 20xx, April

It has only been about a few days since U.A academy started. And this years students are more different and exciting than the last.

"So... What do you wanna do after school today?"

"I don't know, I got homework."

"We can be study partners!"


The bluish-gray haired male sat in the back of the row, listening to the others whisper to eachother.

No one knows how this male got in, no one knows his quirk. Hell, he doesn't even know it. With a bandage around his eye almost every day and cuts all over him. People tend to think he gets into fights.

The male let out a sigh and turned to look out the window.

"Tenko. Are you listening." Mr. Aizawa said, looking at the male.

Tenko looked over, his hair falling over his bandaged eye. He stayed silent.

"You better be taking notes." Mr. Aizawa said, going back to teaching.

The male sighed and looked at his torn up notebook. He sighed and took out his pencil and opened to a blank page, writing down whatever he can

Quirk controlling

Quirk controlling is an easy tatic, in a which it helps you from getting you or other harmed.

1. Know you quirk and what it can do, get

He stopped immediately as soon as the bell rung. He sighed and grabbed his stuff, going to his dorm room.

"Hey Tenko!" A voice shouted. The male turned around to see Yuuri Akatsuki running over to the male.

"Hey Yuuri..." Tenko said, looking at the brown haired male. "Did you hear the news?"

Tenko shook his head.

"Touya Todoroki. He killed himself last night. Reports say he burned himself." Yuuri said. Tenko's eyes widened.

Tenko knew about Touya, he was the oldest Todoroki sibling. He is... or was, the highest three-yeared student, but it seems like he wasn't all to happy.

Rumors said his mother went to the hospital because they poured boiling water on his youngest siblings eye which blinded him. But this was insane.

Though, he could maybe relate. He knows pain, and Touya could have gone through everything he could think of.

"Heh... Never thought..." Tenko mummbled, head down. "Dude... Are you alright.

Tenko looked up immediately. " y-yeah, I'm fine... Just I never thought something insane like that would happen..."

Yuuri nodded. "Yeah. Well, I gotta go. See you around Tenko." Yuuri said before leaving

The male sighed and made it to his dorm. It was all gloomy. Posters of death everywhere. The bed itself was full of skulls, even a tiny emoji pillow of a gun. Posters of famous villains from books hung on the wall.

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