Ch. 4

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"Oh? Who's this?" A lady asked as Touya walked in with Shi in his arms. "This is Shi, Could he stay with us?" Touya asked. The lady frowned slightly "I'm sorry Touya.... We already have Shotou with us and your father doesn't want any more kids around."

Touya frowned "He doesn't have a hone nor family. He was in a back ally." Touya said as Shi looked behind them. "Father..." Shi said shakily. Fuyumi frowned as she watched the scene.

The lady thought for a moment. "Alright, he'll stay here until we can find a home for him." She said. Touya smiled and looked at Shi who seemed somewhat stressed.

"Shi... You okay?" Touya asked as he put Shi down. Shi looked at him and gave a soft smile. "Yeah... I just miss father..."

Touya sighed silently and hugged Shi. "It'll be fine... Everything will be fine." He said as Shi hugged back.

Tomura sighed and rolled onto his side, wincing slightly. He stared at the the wall, mind lost in thoughts.

Touya... Touya Todoroki. He committed suicide the night before Tomura was token from UA. Though, he didn't know much about the male.He had seen him a few times. The first being when he was seven... He never seen him after unless it came to UA, where they would walk past each other in halls or even glance at one another during lunch.

A soft sigh left the males lip and he slowly sat up, rubbing one of his eyes. He then got of the bed, a hand against the wall to support himself.

The male slowly walked over to his door, opening it. His hand still against the wall.

"I hate this..." He mumbled, a finger (his pinkie) hovered over the wall carefully, being sure not to touch the wall.

He looked around. No one was near. Dabi's door was slightly shut. 'He might be up stair's' the male though, looking over at the stairs.

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