Ch. 2

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The eyes of the two males met. There was a moment of silent, a quite peaceful moment. Tomura quickly adverted his Red ones away. "Don't stare..." He muttered.

Dabi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, humming a tiny bit. Kurogiri looked at the two newbies and nodded. "You two are in." Kurogiri said.

Tomura looked at the whisp in shockment. "Your gonna let the creep and psycho join?" The gray haired male stated, pointing at the two.

"Yes, we need as many members as we can get." Kurogiri said before looking at the two. "Go fund your rooms."

The two nodded and went to check out the rooms, leaving the other two alone.

Tomura grumbled, taking off his disembodied hands and threw on his coat, placing "FATHER" in one of the pockets.

"Where are you going?" Kurogiri asked. "Walk..." Tomura said and walked out if the bar.

Kurogiri sighed before the TV turned on, the boss showing onto the screen.



Dabi checked out each and every room, humming soft. There was this one room... The door was shut... And locked. He could've burned it down but he didn't feel like doing so.

Toga, on the other hand, was already in her picked out room, carving stuff into the walls.

Dabi rolled his eyes before finding a suitable room at the end of the hall. It was large and there was a good limit if space to walk. The joy was that every room already had a bed and dresser, and there were a few nightstands is some of the rooms.

This room came with all of those, bed, dresser and nightstand. Being one of the firsts, it gives a free ticket to everything thus place has to offer.

Dabi sat on the bed, taking his coat off to reveal his arms fully covered with purple skin.

He stretched calmly, getting somewhat comfortable in the new room and place. His turquoise eyes scanned the room. In all honesty, the bar was quite comfortable. His former boss also owned a bar - before Dabi got fired because if his laziness and lack of evil doing.

You male sighed before leaving the room and heading upstairs. He walked up the stairs onto the main floor calmly, looking over at the whisp who looked a bit shocked.

"Hey." Dabi said. "You look a bit shocked." Kurogiri looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, got off the phone with boss. And something happened..."

Dabi nodded. "Okay. Where did hand man go?"
Kurogiri shrugged. "Hell if I know. He just left." Dabi rose a brow before looking cat the TV which was now on a news channel.

"Reporting live to you now in Hosu City. It had already been a few days since the Hero Killer had been caught and a fight had already broke loose." A news reporter said. Holding a microphone as they flee up in the sky's. The screen shifted onto one of the streets in Hosu.

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