Ch. 3

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It's only been at least an hour.
Dabi had managed to get Tomura back to to the hideout through Kurogiri.

Tomura was resting in his room, bandaged up. His breathing calm and steady. He had wounds all over him, and only one cut on his cheek.

Upstairs, Dabi was drinking some wine calmly. His mind clouded with numerous thoughts. "What was he thinking...?" Dabi asked as Kurogiri came up stairs. "Must've been hero instincts..."

The patch work looked at the male in slight curiosity. "Tomura, he used to go to UA until the boss told me to get him. So that could've been it."

Dabi nodded, looking at his wine. He had heard of the missing boy from UA, but it could be anyone really. It would be no surprise that Tomura went to rescue the child because of his somewhat UA past... But it could gave been that he had a sympathy, or he felt like he had to. It could be any of those.

"How's the freak doing anyways?" Dabi asked. Kurogiri sighed. "He's doing well, and he's breathing normally. I don't think he'll be up anytime soon though." Kurogiri said, looking at him.

Toga groaned. "It's boring here..." She said, resting her head on the table like she was gonna fall asleep.

"Tomura has some video games on his laptop," says the wisp "Go play on there "

Toga's eyes lit up an she left, dashing downstairs and onto the insured's room.
Dabi sighed and closed his eyes, placing his hand on his cheek and resting his elbow on the table as his other arm rested on the table.

"Father! What are you you doing?" A voice shouted as a boy ran over to a much younger boy. He held the youngster close and looked up at the father.
"This is none of your business. Now go." The father snapped. "No!" The boy said, picking their brother up. "Go!" The father shouted, causing the boy to run off with their brother in arms.

Dabi groaned and sat up, hearing the sound of Kurogiri making coffee, "You're up?" Dabi nods and looked at him. "How long have I been out?" He asked. "Half an hour." Kurogiri said, hearing Toga shouting 'I Won!' from Tomura's room.

Kurogiri sighed. "Seems like she's enjoying herself." He mumbled. Dabi nodded softly, running his hand through his black hair.

Suddenly, Toga came running upstairs, quickly grabbed a butcher knife, and ran off back to the basement. "What the hell is she doing?" Dabi asked before getting up and walking into the basement.

He entered the room Toga was in. As soon as he did though he regretted it.

Toga was sitting on Tomura's chest, holding the knife as she giggled, looking down at an woken Tomura. His red eyes full of weakness. "Get the fuck off me..." Tomura whined a bit, slowly moving his hands up to push Toga off but was at a fail. Toga smirked and grabbed his hands. "Oh come on~ lemme cut you Shigaraki~" Toga purred, lowering the knife onto the weakened males arms.

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