Authur's note

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Hewo! Authur~Chan (Butters/Kace) here and I'm just gonna write down a few points and changes.

× This is a AU with is somewhat based off of the anime. But things will take turns and go in different directions

× The point of the AU is to have the villains story in a different way, everyone with different looks and somewhat of a personality change (not much)

× This book is now gonna be updated on Friday/Saturday/Sunday every week (since I love writing this)

× There will be shorts whenever I can't think of a way to continue the plot

× Bold is usually an Authors note

× Italics are flashbacks while italics with an ' (ex 'god dammit why me...' ) are thoughts

× The pictures (Ex; the Tomura pic in chap III ) are usually pictures of their looks or a scene

× I am trying to be as descriptive as possible and add characters in

× This includes a few theories

× There will be other shipping's in this. But its gonna focus on ShigaDabi

× The side stories are not canon nor are part of the main story. They're like fanfics inside the fanfic

That's sums up the points now. See y'all

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