Ch. 11

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It was early morning. Just another normal one.
Almost everyone was asleep.

Dabi stood over the sink in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Shit..." He muttered, staring at the red roots that appeared at the top of his head, covering up a bit of his black hair.

He sighed before searching around, looking in the cabinets in hope that there would be at least a un-opened package of black hair dye.

But no. There was only normal supplies.
"Why the fuck is there no hair dye?" He asked aloud to himself before the door creaked open

He turned around to see Tomura in a fluffy white robe. He was pale and skinny.
You could see some scars, scars from the building that collapsed onto him.
His blue locks were a mess, and he looked beat.

"The fuck are you doing?" Tomura asked, his voice cracking.
"...Nothing..." Dabi responded.

Tomura looked at him with a face that was between uncertainty and exhaustion.
He letted out a deep sigh.

"Whatever" he said and walked over, pushing Dabi out of the way. "Get out. Gotta piss." He said. Dabi shrugged and did so.

The older male closed the door, immediately hearing the water run from the other side.

He sighed, leaving to give Tomura space.
He walked to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Smirnoff and popping it open.


From all the shit that has happened, they came a long way from where their relationship started.

From Flat-out disliking one another to trusting them. But how long has it been? A Year? Six months?

The track of time has been lost and that was alright, He was more focused on the present.

He threw on a pair of baggy pants and a oversized shirt that hung low, exposing his visible collar-bones.

His soaked hair reached down to his shoulders. It wasn't as fluffy as it was when it was dry to it showed off just how long his hair was. His red eyes were bright yet dim, almost a dead looking.

Scars rested underneath his eyes, one of his left eye. Then his mouth, a scar was in graved on the right side of it, while his pale lips were chapped and cracked.

He letted out a sigh before getting out of the the bathroom, walking to the kitchen.

He looked at the figure who was drinking a bottle of Smirnoff. Red sprouting from the black thickness of spikes.

'Red... Suits him...' Tomura though, before walking over. "Hey."

"You dye your hair?"
"Yea...?" Dabi said, not knowing if he new the red were roots or if he actually thought he dyed the red.

Tomura gave him a wide smile, before looking outside.
"If I may ask. How do you get around?"
"Shadows" Dabi said plainly. Tomura nodded. "Okay..."

"Wanna go uptown... I gotta pick up some stuff..." Tomura said, walking over to a cupboard, taking out a hidden stash of money that Giran had.

Dabi watched before nodding. "Can we travel through the shadows..." he said, asking of that due to his burned skin.

"Of course." Tomura said, before going to his room to get on a sweater.

Dabi sat there. Thinking. He was suspecting that Tomura was and is Tenko, but he never really calculated it all up. It made sense.

He hadn't seen him in years, and the last time he did they didn't even say a word to each other, just passed by.

He sighed, hearing footsteps come close to him. He looked up to see Tomura standing there, a sweater that said CHAPPY in the middle was on him, hiding his shirt. And his long blue hair was pitted up into a ponytail. Father was stuffed in one of his pockets as his pinkie was blinded with bandages.

"Let's go." Tomura said.
Dabi nodded, getting up and leaving with him.


The two walked down the alleys. Bags in hands as they walked.

Tomura looked at him. "...nevermind."

Dabi looked at him, before ruffling his hair.

The phone rung. The audio of two people screaming filled the air as Dabi dug through his pockets, pulling out his phone and answering the call. "Hello"

"Overhaul. Hey!"

"Dabi, You and Tomura need to get here now." Giran said.

"What?" Chisaki said. Turning around to look at Kenji.

"Why? What's going on!?!" Tomura said, worried.

"You okay? No wait- is Eri okay?" Kenji asked.

"Can't explain. Just get here."

"None of your business."

Tomura looked at Dabi, nodded, and ran back to the current hideout. Dabi followed. The two slammed the door open only to see a horrifying scene.

The top half of Kenji... gone.

Because of Overhaul...

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