Ch. 5

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"Hey... Sensei... Boss... I need a favor." The male said as he sat in front of the sound only TV.

Kurogiri, Dabi and Toga watched him, unknown to why Tomura wanted a Nomu. On the other hand.. Dabi and Toga had no idea what a Nomu was.

"What is it Shigaraki." A voice said gently, causing Tomura to seem rather chill.

"I need a Nomu."
"This team, the vanguard... I want the leader to have a Nomu."

Dabi's hummed a bit, leaning against the wall. Curiosity reflected off his eyes as he stared at the male in slight confusion.

Why in hell would the freak make him a Nomu. This is their relationship status.

Dabi and Tomura despises each other-since they were willing to kill eachother. Dabi hates Tomura because of the way he was. To him Tomura seemed irresponsible, even when he went to save a child. Tomura hates Dabi mainly because of Dabi's belief for stains ideology. That's why they despise one another. Each one of them are different but that difference caused hatred.
So why? Why make Dabi a nomu. That's the thing that Dabi did not understand about him.

Tomura looked over at Dabi who was zoned out at the moment. " 'Ey dipshit," The youngest said, getting Dabi's attention. "Hmm?" Was the patchworks respond. His turquoise eyes staring at Tomura's uneven and cracked lips.

"This Nomu your getting is an..." He trailed off. Dabi looked up at Tomura's red eyes. "Its an thank you gift... For getting me out of the scene... And for taking down the beast."

Everything went silent, Dabi could recall digging up Tomura after the building fell apart. The horror and fear of Tomura being dead. And the sudden protectiveness he felt over the male.

"You took the beast down... You pretty much saved me from death. And I can't really go on with out appreciating that. So in that way, your personal Nomu and you being the vanguard leader is a somewhat thank you and reward..." Tomura said, causing Dabi to stare at him.

Kurogiri noticed what was happening and nudged Toga. The two heading downstairs.

Dabi sighed and walked over, sitting on a stool across Tomura. "You didn't have to..." Dabi said, looking at the male.

"No... I wanted to. This is the second time someone saved me... And that first person... I never got to repay him." Tomura said, looking down.

Dabi sighed and patted his head. "You have a good heart... Almost as good for UA." He said.

Tomura looked at him. "W-what?" He stuttered, almost shocked. "Kurogiri told me you used to go to UA. I'm guessing you went to save that child because of your UA past?"

"No..." The male said, looking at the patchwork. "I felt bad... That family didn't deserve to loose their child... And that child... They shouldn't die at that age."

Dabi looked at him with slight connection. Hell, he had a weakness for families but Tomura... He sounded like he had a connection to that.

"Your correct, but here's something to think of," Dabi said, getting up and walking to tomura and placing his arms over his chest.

His mouth was beside the youngsters ears and smirked. "Your not really good at being a villain. I suggest to not help families... That'll help you be a better villain." He whispered before gently nibbling the males ear.

Tomura's face flushed red as he froze, unsure how to respond to a ear-nibbling purple faced Dabi. "The fuck are you doing?" He said in a gentle tone, as if he was enjoying the nibbles. Dabi smirked and took his arms of him, moving away from his ear.

"Heh, nothing." Dabi said and walked over to make himself some coffee. Tomura looked at him in slight interest.

Shi sat in a room, a room that had those old ground beds and a small coffee table. Three windows were opened with the curtains opened, the fresh breeze and light shining into the room.

The male looked around the seemingly dojo room. He then heard the door open to see Touya with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. "Here." Touya said, giving his the chocolate.

"T-thanks..." Shi said, taking the cup before drinking it, eyes lighting up. "W-what is this?!? It's delicious!" Shi said.

Touya looked at him slightly shocked before smiling softly. "It's hot chocolate. But it's also coco." Touya said gently, smiling softly as he watched Shi drink the cup, the cup being gone in a minute.

Touya smiled as Shi putted the cup down and looked at him. The two males stared at each other for a moment. Turquoise and Red eyes connected.

That moment broke when Fuyumi walked in to see how they're doing.

Touya looked over at Fuyumi, staring at her only to see her grinning like an idiot, hands clapped together.

"What?" Touya asked, grabbing Shi and holding him close, Shi's face buried into Touya's chest.

"So, Cute!" Fuyumi said with a squeal. Touya looked down at Shi only to see him looking right up at him cutely, face flushed red. Touya blushed deeply at Shi's expression. To precious.

Touya patted Shi's head before looking at a fan-girling Fuyumi. Shi looked at Fuyumi before hugging Touya, staying close to him. He enjoyed it... Touya was comfortable, the beating of his heart was soothing and calm, and the way he held Shi close was satisfying. But there was something familiar...

The turquoise eyes...


I know this is not bnha related but...

I'm not saying everyone is, But readers... If you happen to be an YOI fan

A damn Yuri on Ice movie is coming soon!!

But, back to bnha, I will be doing flashback of Shi and Touya, mainly because in this, Shi and Touya's relationship plays a big part in this.

And I waited two days to post this so... Yeah... Hope y'all enjoyed this little chap and don't forget your Deku tree!

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