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What... happened.
No one knows.

All that is said, was that it gone wild.
It was close to death, but it was survival.
It could have gone out as a coma, on which it kinda did.

It has been about a week since it happened, and I that week they went through multiple things. Overhaul is locked up, Kurogiri is in jail. Dabi has been out cold the entire week.

Tomura stayed beside Dabi and never left his side, wanting to be there when he wakes up.

Dabi had red roots growing, which they couldn't cover up yet.

Tomura sat there, waiting, hoping he doesn't lose him...

Then there was a groan, and eyes fluttered open.

Tomura jumped to his feet, shook.

The male who has been out for a week, was now awake.

It is the fact that the world is just a sick and twisted game, But its filled with bonds, bonds that can be broken and can not be broken. Everyone is like a puppet, a character in life. After all, it is just a little game.

Sorry the end is so short! I will make it up to EVERYONE because a sequel will be in progress in a few weeks or so! Also, i hope the sequel would make up for my haitus, I'm so sorry I had stuff going on and I didn't know what to do. 

I just really hope you enjoyed this book! I want to give you all my UwU's you beans!))))

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