Ch. 9

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The next day, 12 PM

"Hey handy man!" Toga said, engulfing the male into a hug. "Good to see you!"

"Heh... Yeah... You too..." Tomura said, letting her hug the life out of him.
Toga then moved away, looking at him. "Your eyes look red..."

"They are," Tomura said. Toga frowned. "I mean the red you get after sobbing."
"..." Tomura stayed silent. "Tomura..." Toga said,once again hugging the male. "I know it's hard to accept, we were told what happened and your relationship with him... So please be strong, don't go doing anything stupid."

Tomura sighed, returning the hug. "Okay." He said. The two pulled away, looking at each other before they exchanged smiles.

"Cut that shit out," Jin said, looking at them, his mask on the table as he drank a can of beer. Toga stuck her tongue out at him, leaving Tomura and skipping over to Jin, jumping on his lap.

Tomura guessed the two developed a little liking for each other, and it was expected. So much has happened that it's hard to keep track of.

Tomura glanced over at Dabi, who was by a window, smoking.
Tomura remembered yesterday, how they sat on the roof... Dabi falling asleep and...


The door slammed open to reveal a man, looking like he was in his 20's. His brown hair was short and fluffy. He wore a army green jacket with purple fur on the rim of the hood, along with navy blue jeans, and black sneakers. The odd thing was the bird mask he had, only hiding his mouth. It was odd.

Behind him was a kid, a female with white hair, pale skin, blue eyes, one gold horn on her forehead, the other one was broken and covered by her hair. She wore a white long dress, no socks, no shoes. She looked scared, like she was just introduced to the world in front of her.

Tomura glared at the male. "That was a bit dramatic..." He grumbled. "I know." The male said before the door fell off its hinges, the door slamming on the ground.

"Oh come on! I just finished fixing that door!" Giran complained, popping out of nowhere.

"No one cares!" Tomura and the male shouted angrily at the man. Giran shivered slightly, held his hands up in defeat saying; "Okay, carry on..."; And disappearing back into his office.

Tomura rolled his eyes, looking at the male. "Okay, Kai... About this team up..." The youngster said.
"I told you to call me Chisaki or Overhaul... Not Kai. And yeah, what about it?"

Tomura didn't like Kai -or chisaki- in anyway, and nothing will change that. But with AFO officially gone, a good amount of the leagues members in jail, they needed help.

Dabi, Toga, Jin and Kurogiri watched. Dabi putted his cigarette out, throwing the ciggarette out the window.
Toga was sitting on Jins lap still as Jin held her close.

Tomura sighed, staring into Chisaki's eyes. "We will team up, and we will stay here... But you are not allowed to harm or boss around my league, and I won't do it to your team... So keep that in mind. And neither of us will launch an attack on UA nor the pro heroes until he have an plan."

Dabi listened, staring at Tomura. He could see he meant his words, but the part Dabi liked about that was that Tomura had their back, he could hear the males voice soften up when he said that Chisaki was unable to harm them, but during that, Dabi had caught Tomura throwing glances at him, as if "my team" was referring to Dabi.

"Alright, But I will be-" Chisaki was cutted off when the girl tugged his jeans. Chisaki looked at the girl. "Yes Eri?"

"C-can we stay here? I don't like the hideout..." Eri said. Tomura looked at the girl in awe. Chisaki looked at her, shaking his head. "No." he said. Eri looked heartbroken and disappointed.

Tomura felt a ping of sadness overcome him, he didn't know why but he felt bad for the girl. "She can stay here," Tomura said, kneeling down so he was her height. "If she wants?"

Eri looked at Tomura, not knowing what to do but she understood what was happening. "Y-yes please..." She stuttered. Tomura smiled, looking up at Chisaki. "What about you? Do you agree for her to stay?" Tomura asked, a soft smile on his face. "Because no harm will come to her."

Chisaki rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "She can stay... but only because I wish to stay here with her." He said, a smirk hidden under his mask. Tomura nodded. "That can happen-" He said, trialing off when he felt a pair of arms hug him. "Thank you mister." Eri said, hugging Tomura.

{{{Yea I know this will never happen in canon but eeehhh it's happening here}}}

Tomura smiled and hugged back carefully. Chisaki watched before noticing Dabi watching the scene in awe, but was more in awe about Tomura.

"...Your boyfriend seems to be adoring you..." Chisaki said as Eri and Tomura pulled away. "What?" Tomura asked. "I don't have a boyfriend?"

"Tell that to the purple guy." Chisaki said. Tomura blushed deeply, looking down. Dabi listened, blushing deeply as he looked away and out the window.

Kurogiri took notice of this and did the classic "clear throat" to get their attention. "Ahem... Chisaki, Eri, let me show you to your rooms." Kurogiri said. The two nodded and walked off with the whisp.

Now was just Jin, Toga, Tomura and Dabi. It was awkward until Toga spoke up; "What what that about?"

"Which part...?" Tomura asked, still blushing a bit. "The boyfriend thing..." Toga said. "Don't get me wrong, I love those ships... I'm just curious if you two are a closet couple?"

"What?" Dabi said, looking at her. "No, I just liked the scene." He said. Tomura nodded, but he felt heartbroken.

For some odd reason, he felt like it was just a lie, that his feelings were playing tricks on him. Guess he was wrong...

"This feeling has been crushing my chest for a while.... I feel warm around him and I don't know why..."

"It's called love,"

"You like him? Don't you?"

"I don't know..."


Omg... this was so hard to write since I haven't read up to the part with Emi and Chisaki!!

So sorry, If Emi doesn't seem normal, I'm trying to guess what she is like, I kinda know Chisaki a bit...

But nonetheless... how you enjoyed!

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