Ch. 6

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Those turquoise eyes... They looked into Shi's crimson eyes like a dagger, a dagger that left a scar.

Shi stayed with Touya, in await for them to find Shi an adoptive home. Rei -Touya's mother- had said that if they could they would adopt him. Enji -Touya's father- however disagreed. So Shi was their guest.

He slept in the same room as Touya, who would often keep his company his tell his legends along with the normal stuff.

But as time went by, Shi noticed Touya start getting more colder. The only time Touya smiled was beside Shi. But even though, Shi felt like he could not help.

Shi lied awake one night, eyes staring at the ceiling. His mind thoughtless. He sat up and looked over at Touya, who was making silent whines.

"Touya... Are you okay?" Shi asked, causing Touya to look at him.

Touya's turquoise eyes were red and puffy with bruises on his cheek and bags under his eyes. Tears were forming in his eyes. His arms were covered on cuts.

"Touya! What happened?!?" Shi asked, looking at him. "..." The oldest stayed silent.

He frowned and hugged him tightly. "Please tell me..." Shi said as touya sighed and hugged back, keeping him close. "Enji happened..."


U.A high/academy. It's the place where those who want to become heroes can. In the hero course, nothing can go wrong!

Tenko Shimura, a fifteen year old, Walked down the hallway heading to the lunchroom. It has only been a day since they arrived at UA. And it was a lot of pressure.

Shouta Aizawa was his homeroom teacher, and he expelled five people out of the class of eighteen, leading up to only thirteen people left. Tenko was close to be expelled but he was saved somehow.

After that, Tenko began to be aware of his surroundings and awareness. He didn't trust anything and was always worried if he got expelled. He didn't care if he got expelled... He just didn't want to get beaten up when he gets home.

He sighed as he walked past a third yearer, his neck and arms were covered in bandages while his clothes were ripped up on the sleeve and the bottom rim of the pants and suit. Bags were under his eyes as if he was tired and never slept.

His crimsoned hair was spiked casually almost as if it was natural. And his eyes were a beautiful turquoises. Tenkos stared at him in shock. Touya Todoroki.

The male reached his hand out a bit, as if he were gonna grab him for his attention. His mouth opened a bit, about to call 'Touya!' but stopped in his tracks. Lowering his hand and closing his mouth.

He wanted to talk to him, he wanted to say something but he didn't. He didn't want it be a different Touya, he didn't want it to be awkward.

He sighed and walked off. Touya looked behind him, watching Tenko walk off. He recognized the skinny boy and the bluish-gray hair. "Shi..." He muttered.

He remembered the male, and how he met him. Seeing him alone on an alley and how Shi had stayed with him for a few months. And how protective he was when it came to Shi.

He wanted to talk to him, but he was sure Shi didn't remember him.

He shook his head slightly and kept walking.


"I'm sorry!" Tenko whined as he got slapped. "Sorry ain't good enough prick!" A lady shouted, kneeing the kid near the ribs.

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