Side Story #3

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This is an AU based off of RWBY and the hero AU.

So yeah, Hope you enjoy this.


The forest was dark and gray, with no source if colour. The sky was an eerie gray, as all life was dead.

Mist covered the ground, hiding the dead grass from view.

Tenko Shimura walked around the woods, looking for his team.

"Toga! Kuro! Jin!" Tenko called out, desperate to find them.
The male sighed, his blue cape flowing.

"Where the fuck are they..." Tenko muttered to himself before hearing a rustle in the distance.

Tenko gulped, taking out his scythe, unfolding it to reveal the blue weapon.

He stayed in his place, gripping the scythe; he kept his breathing steady, not making a sound.

Then, there was a low growl. A male with pale skin came out if the bush. He had burns covering his body. He only supported a white shirt and black jeans, a belt supporting the jeans so they wouldn't fall.

The only thing that was abnormal was the spikes sprouting from his back and arms, along with his outstretched arms and his animal-like feet.

The male stared at Tenko directly in the eyes, able to see the mix-matched eyes. Turquoise... And crimson red with an eerie yellow for the iris.

"Need something?" The male asked, before growling as Tenko pointed the scythe to him, ready to kill him.

"What are you!?!" Tenko demanded, glaring at him.

The male putted his hands in the air. "Human, Grimm, Who knows." He spoke, "But instead if calling me " Grimm" you can call me Dabi."

"Who said I wasn't gonna kill you?"

"You look like a sweetheart, I highly doubt you will."

Tenko blushed deeply. "Fuck you!"
"Really? You'd fuck me? I'm flattered." Dabi joked sarcastically, putting his hands down.

Tenko sighed as his Scythe folded back into its knife gun, like form, hooking it into his chain.

"Knew it." Dabi said with a smirk. "Shut up." Tenko said as he looked at Dabi.

"Were you born like this?" Tenko asked. "I don't know. Maybe."

"How do you not know...?" Tenko asked, before seeing the glare Dabi gave. Fuck, forget I asked..."

Dabi nodded, before Tenko walked over, seeing the blooded scar on his cheek. "Your injured..."


"It's gonna get infected."

Dabi rolled his eyes before Tenko grabbed one of his clawed fingers. "Come. I'm gonna fix you up." Tenko said before tugging on the finger.

Dabi sighed, deciding He's follow Tenko.

"Hey. Kid. What's you name?" Dabi asked.
"Tenko Bluebell Shimura." Tenko said, before taking him to beacon.

"It's your fault if I die"

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