Short Story #2

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It was early morning, about 6:38 AM. This was usually around the time Tomura usually wakes up at.

Why? Well, when he was younger he used to wake up early to do whatever he wanted, that was after he was in a foster home.

He made his way to the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee before heading into the Lounge. His skin was incredibly pale, and err.... He was the definition of Unhealthy. Skinny, Pale, all of that was mushed together.

As soon as he got to the basement  he immediately regretted it. There were two love seats, and a couch in the form of a half circle. A circular coffee table sat in the middle of the  half-circled couch. A flat-screened TV was perched onto the fall as a TV-cabinet sat below that with a PS4, Xbox one, Wii U and a Laptop sat on the cabinet.
The walls were a crimson-red as the light shined brightly.

The thing is that the moment was ruined by a certain Brunette perched in the couch.

"Ohayo, Hand-man." Chisaki spoke. "Ohayo..?" Tomura said, before walking over to the Laptop, turning it on. He grabbed the keyboard and mouse —both wireless— and placed it on the coffee table, sitting down as he got a game on.

"What'cha playing?" Chisaki asked, watching the screen load to the game. Before he had the change, the screen loaded up to where Tomura was in the game.

Tomura smirked, prepared for all the bloody shit to go down. The game started in a kitchen, a person stood there, as there was blood on the floor.

"Is that a girl?" Chisaki asked. Tomura shook his head, and kept playing, looking inside the fridge to reveal a goat head. "What the fuken hell!" Chisaki shouted a bit.

"The games about that boy with blue hair, being in prison. His childhood was all about stopping a cult and hunting down ghosts. And his face was destroyed by a dog... Oh and his mother died." Tomura explained.

"What type of games do you even play??" Chisaki asked. "Horror." Tomura said, as he continued playing the game.

After what seemed like forever, Chisaki had token control, right on the part where the main three open a box filled with flesh and skin.

"What the fuck! Mrs. Packerton uses humans in her Bolonga!" Chisaki shouted.

Here's the thing, The game crossed many levels if horrific scenes—A lot were violent scenes. It's normal for the villains to kill but for Chisaki and Tomura, the game was insane, since quirks don't exist in it.

But, back to the main part, Chisaki was trying his best to get over the guts and skin. "Heh, That's Sally for you." Tomura said. "How can you play this?"

"I don't know, how is it freaking you out?" Tomura asked with a smirk.

For the rest of the time, they played the game, with an unexpected ending. "Holy shit what happened to Todd!!!" Tomura shouted, he was unprepared for the red-eyed ginger. "I DON'T KNOW" Chisaki shouted back.

Suddenly there were loud thuds, Dabi appeared from the door. "Hey... Shut the fuck— are you guys playing Sally face?" Dabi asked. The two nodded. Dabi came walking over, jumping over the couch. "Are you guys on the Trail now?" He asked.

Tomura nodded. "You gonna play?" He asked. Dabi nodded before smirking. "You know... You should put your hair up in pigtails~"

Tomura blushed deeply and nudged him. Dabi chuckled before they began playing the game, smiling softly. All three shouting at every unexpected scene that was thrown at them.

While Eri, Toga, Kurogiri, Shuichi, Jin and Kenji listened to them shouting.

"I'm gonna kill that game tonight."


This was originally supposed to be a chapter... But it trailed off from my original plan when I added Sally face into it.

So, yeah... Probably there will be a few more short stories coming before the 11# chapter comes into play.

So, hope you all liked this Lil chap! See y'all next time!

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