Ch. 10

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Three weeks earlier

Tomura was walking through the street, Hood up and Father hidden in his pocket.

He wanted answers, answers to all his questions, yet no one will answer them. So he decided there was one way, and only one way to get his answers... And he knew who to ask...

He arrived at the mall, the brightly colorful place was bright and cheerful, full of people smiling their asses off. It disgusted Tomura. It disgusted him.

Everything was disgusting to him, the smiles, the happy faces... yet he felt left out, like he was missing something.

He walked around, in hopes that his answer will be hidden somewhere in the crowd. While walking, he heard people talking about stain... That bastard betrayed him, and went about his own plans- He even killed one of his nomu's!!!

Tomura couldn't handle it, he couldn't understand it, there were multiple things he couldn't understand. The crushing feeling on his chest, the fact he feels intensely warm... around him...

He roamed around, eventually finding a brocolli headed boy stand by the waterfauntion. He smirked before walking over, wrapping his arms around the boy, "Hey, your the boy who damaged his arms in the festival right?" He said. "Yeah???" The boy said, unsure who this guy was.

"Well, It's nice to see you... again..." Tomura said, "Izuku." The boy looked up at him in fear and shockment.

"Let's go sit down... We need to talk..."


The two sat down, calmly and casually to not attract attention. Tomura had his hand around Izuku's neck, a finger hovering away to not kill him.

"Okay, first things first, Stain..." Tomura started, "I just don't understand him, We are both villains, rooting from the same tree... Yet he gets fame and love, while I'm here rotting away, We are so different... so tell me... How..."

Izuku sat on silence, thinking. He knew he was gonna die if he didn't answer... so he had to...

"He had a belief that those fake heroes should die. I dont agree with that but some people are taking it to heart..." Izuku said, "he followed his belief, to him, All might is a true hero... I can agree with him on that but... you??? You dont care about those around you, you just cause damage for no reason at all, you hide in the shadows, your weak, you dont fo head on into battles but your minions do that for you. that's what you have that's different from stain."

Tomira sat there, dumbfounded. (0.0) he had to admit that Izuku was right, and he was right.

"Another thing is this, this feeling I get around someone..." Tomura stated "This feeling has been crushing my chest for a while.... I feel warm around him and I don't know why..."

"It's called love," Izuku said, kinda shocked Tomura had feelings, "You like him? Don't you?"

Tomura stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer. "I don't know..."

Then there were footsteps. The two looked over to see a girl, who was a bit thicc, her hair was short with bangs, and her cheeks were rosy. "Hey Deku-" She said, seeing the scene. Fear was in her eyes. "Hey... let go of him."

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