Ch. 7

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Months later

Night. It was the perfect time to start a blaze.

Blue flames burning the area around, burning trees and the ground, trapping anyone who was caught in it.

A hand rested against the tree, making the fire. Not once removing the hand ad the blue lighting shined in his eyes.

"What's the plan about, I forgot?-Oh Dabi, this is an wonderful plan!" Twice exclaimed cheerfully.

Dabi rolled his eyes before removing his hand. "Yeah yeah... Let's go find Katsuki." He said as Twice copied a clone, sending it out. "Alright!" He said as the two began walking.

Dabi lighting brushing his hand on a tree every so often, setting it a blaze..

Dabi could only think that he might die during this if he was caught by a pro. After all. He was weak.

All his life, it was filled with the... Your weak words. Mainly from his father.

The words stung for a while but it cooled down, leaving only a bit a scars-not much but a few.

He looked around the area, humming softly as he and twice walked.

They eventually stopped at an clearing-gearing faint screams.

"What is that sound?" Twice asked as the sound grew near. Dabi rise a brow before looking up, squinting his eyes, trying to get a clear view of what was falling.

Some say the sky is falling, or the sky drops gifts for those who need. Is prople falling from the sky supposed to be a gift.

He sighed and looked down, silently counting down from five before being rushed by Compress and a plain looking broccoli boy.

"Ow! Get the fuck off!" Dabi snapped, the weight if the two being too much to handle.

"Oi, ya nasty stapler" compress said before getting off, and a motion sick broccoli boy rolling off.

"Midoriya!" A voice shouted. They all turned their attention to an half-colored male and a weird tentacle dude.


Dabi stood up and sighed, looking at them. "Let's hurry this up so we can get back to mophead." Dabi grumbled.

"Mophead...?" Izuku asked, before standing up, light headed.

"Alright," Compress said. "But as we wait for the warp gates. Let's play a bit of 'Catch the marbles', shall we?"

The magician took out two marbles, passing one to Dabi. The male smirked. Come at us-" Dabi said before Todoroki came at him, Flames engulfed his right/left hand.

Dabi smirked, "Think before you act," He said, moving to the side as Todoroki went by him. "Shouto Todoroki..."

Todoroki's eyes widen as his flames died down. "How the hell do you know my name?" The name asked.

Dabi chuckled, "Well... I would say we were told... But we only know of Katsuki..." He said.

Todoroki growled, staring at Dabi. He villain smirked before a warp gate appeared.

"Seems like the fun in over, so long Shouto." He said before giving the male the marble and walked over to compress.

"Ready?" Compress said. Dabi nodded. The students were shocked at the sudden 'given up thing' thinking they won.

But that bubble piped when Compress took out two marbles, only to let out a humanoid bird and bakugo.

Dabi smirked and grabbed onto Bakugo's neck,, tight enough that he cant escape but can breath.

Little Game X ShigaDabi X (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now