The Black Anthem.

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  "Row Row Row the boat gently down the stream, 
if you see the black robes coming don't forget to screech.
Scream scream scream scream till you lose control,
Let me have your blood and feed it to my precious room.
Crawl crawl crawl , faintly down the street and
let the blood flow deep, deeply down my veins..
Gulp gulp gulp it , gulp it down my throat,
your blood that will give me strength and all the prevention from the cold.
And finally,
Love love love me insanely afterall
I'm just a sixteen year old boy trying to  sing along.."  

Xavier was both annoyed and worried about his stupid friend who was lost.  His brain couldn't process through the fact that one needs so much attention or he would get lost, Xavier doesn't remember since when he has started taking care of Ryan but somehow his mind was filled with only three things; one to find out about his family, second to plan a way to bring this Black hell down and third was how to take care of Ryan. 

The fact that Ryan was older than Xavier so technically Xavier should've been the one relying on Ryan but somehow everything between Ryan and Xavier never made sense, even their encounter never made sense to him. Not to mention that Xavier's life itself didn't make sense to him, he doesn't remember how long it had been since he was doing everything he can to make a little sense from his life....

Xavier's wounds still burned and ached faintly, the injection and the medicine that Ronald gave him worked but somehow his body was slowly getting immune or used to the medicine. it was like his body was used to all the scars and gashes that he had and there was no lie to it. He was tortured and tamed down as much as they wanted but was never thrown out, Xavier knew that there was much more of the story than he knew and he was done sitting down. 

It was like he was standing on the cold edge that floated in the air without a return way with bare feet and in front of him was a golden gate but right under him was the crimson cold death hole. He couldn't run back nor he could move forward, if he ran back he would fall into the crimson death hole and if he moved forward he will still fall into that hole but there was this golden gate in front of him that shone brightly. Xavier has  always believed that there was a reason to why that golden gate was in front of him and he lived to find that reason. 

The air had gone dry and cool as he rode through the air on his bike. He was least glad that the nature was at his side the rain had stopped as soon as he stepped outside. Xavier stepped onto his accelerator and zoomed against the cool air, his back had started to burn and he needed to find Ryan before he kill someone in annoyance. 

After a long burning journey Xavier came to halt and removed his helmet to search through the place for Ryan. Xavier parked his bike and unmounted it as he screeched on his burning wounds. He looked around to see if Ryan was there and  saw a overgrown baby sitting by a lampost hugging his knees with his head down, looking like he had just lost his mom and at that very moment Xavier knew that he has found his missing piece....


"I don't remember committing any sin to have seen your face again, sour rimmed face."  Tiberius replied as he opened his front door. 

"Oh seriously mutual feelings, Mr. rotten bitter gourd."  Aileen replied with  a bitter face. 

"Oh then great."   Tiberius replied and tried to shut the door but Aileen reflexes escalated to hold the  door back.

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