Fairy Tail

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Ello! This is my third Fanfic but this time it will be in third person, not first. I admit it will be sad and a little dark, but please don't let that stop you!

I dedicate this first chapter to my friend in Montana, Winterhymn!

Please tell if you like it!


"No! Please don't take her away! She is my only child! She hasn't done anything to deserve this!" A man was being held back by guards, while they took away his only daughter. Was was so young, turning the age of six next month.

"Daddy!" She screamed as the men dragged her away from him and the only life she had ever known. It was small but it worked. They lived in a shack, no windows, or heating of any kind. But where her family was she felt she belonged. Now these people were taking that away from her!

They shoved the crying little girl into a car, this was the first time she had ever ridden in a car. But at this point she didn't care, all she wanted was her father as she cried and screamed for him. The men held her down as the car sped up and drove away. Away from everything, she knew she would never go back. Mother hadn't come back, she was taken right after her birth and was still gone. She was also a mage, taken by the army at a young age.

As the metal contraption moved its way along the black pavement, the little girl still had no care of the wondrous speed she was going. They approached a huge building, with a big symbol covering the front. It was a symbol that she had seen many times before in her life, one she learned to fear. The Fairy Tail arsenal.

The car stopped and the small blond girl was dragged out, but this time she didn't resist. Her whole world was collapsing around her and she could care less of where the men would take her next.

Pushing her through the doors she saw people, big and small all in rags. But yet they looked happy somehow. There were old people and young people, some even her age. The men lead her up a flight of stairs into a small room where she met a small man, he looked very old and wore a funny looking hat on his head.

When he saw the sniffling girl he sighed, sent the men away and took her hands.

"I am sorry about this, war is stupid and the council has put up this idiotic rule for everyone. I would send you home if I could, but from now on this will be your new home."

The girl only starred blankly at the floor, in a daze of the whole situation. The small, old man lead her out of the dark room and back into the big room filled with many people.

"Listen up! We have a new member, her name is..." He stopped and whispered to her. "What is your name?"

"L-Lucy." She barely managed to say.

"Her name is Lucy!" He sounded across the huge room.

The people on the bottom floor cheered. Why were they cheering? This was practically a prison, keeping her from her family and freedom.

She solemnly walked down the stairs and was met by a girl around her age, she had long white hair and bright blue eyes. She wore an orange dress that was torn in many places and dirt splotches looked like a design.

"Hey, my name is Mira. You are new right? That means you need the mark." She smiled.

The girls eyes widened in horror, the Fairy Tail symbol was on every member. Not just did they take you, they marked you so that you would always be known as a mage. The white haired girl saw my terror.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Also you get to pick your color and where it goes." She tried to cheer her up. "So what would you like?"

She just starred, not wanting anything but to cry in a corner. The girl noticed her hesitation and smiled lightly.

"Here. How about the color of your necklace, right here." She took her hand and placed a wooden plaque on it. After a minute of pressure she removed the wood to reveal a light pink symbol on het left hand. Tears ran down her dirt stricken face, this was her worst nightmare. Nothing could be worse, she could be killed and be at peace, but this was war. Anything but peace. She was apart of the very thing that killed her mother.

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