Re:birthed - Doppo Kunikida, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Part 1)

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"Ahh .. !~" you yawned, stretching while leaning, precariously balancing your chair on two legs. Glancing at Kunikida, sitting opposite you, fully focused on his research, just looking at him sweeping through files and files of reports, you could feel your energy seeping out of you.

"AHAh-!" Kunikida suddenly exclaims, smacking his hand on the table, standing up from his seat.

"whu..? whoah - woaa - .. !" confused and startled, you lost balance and toppled to the ground. Groaning, you attempted to sit up, "Doppo, yelling is bad for your health - and mine,- you know.. ow.."

"(Y/N) search for the reports for guild activity in recent two to three weeks - pass me all of them after I come back in 3 hours." He instructed, the exhilaration from a few seconds ago totally gone.

"Hah?? Oi - wait wait.. wait - !" You desperately called out to him, wanting clarification, but he was already gone.

".. hmnph" You untangled yourself from the chair, and walked to Kunikida's side of the desk, looking at the strewn reports and notes. Most of them were leads to identify the identity of the "Rats of the House of the Dead". A photograph of was circled, it was a man with gray hair and gold framed glasses.

A stupidly familiar face.

You slapped yourself on the cheeks, clearing your head "No point dwelling in the past.." you reminded that one sappy voice in your head.


The more you dug into the topic the more you felt that fate saw you and went 'hey this girl had a pretty great life after all the torture I gave her. You know? We need more drama in this'

Memories that you desperately buried away to move on were causing a ruckus in the back of your mind. Regrets, hopes, and a slight feeling of love and guilt caused you to do anything but focus on the task at hand.

Finally finishing forcing yourself to gather the information that Kunikida needed, you realised it was totally dark outside, and the clock read '1'. The office was totally empty, and kind of creepy now that you think about it.

Slightly peeved that no one told you that the office was going to close and now you had to either exit through the window, break the door, or sleepover at the office. Especially if Kunikida did not come to fetch you to meet his schedule of sleeping at 11, you were so going to make him regret it.

Packing your bag while cursing at Kunikida under your breath, you decided to take the reports that he wanted back home as it seemed kind of urgent.

"... I am too nice.. Well- I'll guess I'll make Doppo treat me to something"

Hopping out of the window, and awkwardly making way downwards to the ground on the pipe, when you felt stable ground beneath your feet, you breathed a sigh of relief.

Arriving at your apartment, you purposely rang to bell multiple times, before unlocking the door after receiving no response.

"I'm home ~.."

".. Doppo- ?" pushing the bedroom door open, you didn't see Kunikida occupying the bed with his weird sleeping position where he managed to sleep as straight as a board.

This was slightly worrying. Kunikida not sticking to his schedule was a daily occurrence considering Dazai's role, but to not be at home in one in the morning was very weird. Despite that, you did not worry much, as he was one of the few people who could handle any situation. Maybe if he disappeared for a week then you would start to worry.

Getting under the covers, you murmured 'good night' to yourself, before regretting your earlier wanting to sleep. The memories had decided that the only time when you had peace and quiet was a great occasion to haunt you with the past.


You were standing under an oak tree, your ragged clothing and scarred skin furiously contrasting against anyone in the vicinity, all wearing luxurious clothes and food more than sufficient to quell their hunger.

Curling into a ball, you tried to stay out of sight as much as possible, before someone decided to alert the police to someone from the slums 'polluting the air' and being 'a public nuisance'.


Alerted from your dazed state, you looked up to see a gray haired boy with white framed glasses, with a slightly timid expression, in front of you.

"Nathaniel - !" you threw yourself into his arms in a tight hug before sitting back down, sticking your hands in front of him.

He placed the bag of food in your palms, before sitting next to you. "Honestly (Y/N) you are so childish." He shook his head in a defeated sigh as you ravenously dug into the slightly stale bread.

"You are already 8 you know? You have to stop clinging to me. I'm turning 13 soon so I will start taking on more responsibilities in the church." He stated, somewhat wistfully, as he watched you with fond eyes.

"Ehh.. ~? But you are the one clinging to me you know -. I'm only in town because you insisted to show me the sights.. Normally you would come to the slums to give me the food." You protested.

Nathaniel spluttered, unable to come up with a good retort as he grew redder at your grinning face, finally resorting to sitting next to you in silence.

"He..hey -.. You wouldn't leave me right?" You looked up from your food, staring worriedly at Nathaniel.

He did not respond which got you worked up even further. "I - I can be useful you know.. ! I got cool powers -! I can create stuff with my blood.. even though it only lasts for a few minutes.."

You brought your hand to your mouth, intending to demonstrate, before being blocked by Nathaniel.

"You don't need to harm yourself - I can earn enough money for both of us - that you can eat all want and no longer need to live in the slums -! " He declared, while you stared at him in awe.

"Yay ~! Nathaniel will get me whatever food I want ~" You cheered, your worries all washed away.

"I promise you can depend on me for whatever (Y/N)"

Ahh the child purity. This will be a two (or three) part story lol. (I'm ripping of the plot of Re:birthed if you didn't notice from the title)
Also listen to the song (Re:birthed). Vocaloid is good. Also will now be inspiration for 99% of plot.

Please give feedback (lol) I need to know what people want to read.

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