Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Part 1)

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This is slightly important : Your ability is to transport your body parts (?) (ex, ears, eyes, hands) anywhere in a 100m radius around you (somehow they can function !amaze!)


"Yes (Y/N)~ ?"

You rolled off the back of the sofa and landed with a 'oof' on the cushions, turning your head to face Dazai. "I'm bored .. ~"




"Dazaai ~ ! .. Jeez.." You phased your eyes next to him, too lazy to walk over.

"Oho ~ what's this - ? When did you pick up a new toy ~?" Dazai was watching the security camera footage of a house of a black haired boy, at around 16 - 17 of age.

"Ah - !" Startled, the game that he was holding shifted from his grip, and out of your blind spot, narrowly missing your eyes.

"Ha.. Just when I thought that you were interested in someone for once .." You sighed, continuing to observe the boy as he trained (?) his ability. Could it be considered training ? His coat made various jabs at the air, as he occasionally doubled over coughing.

That's when you realised : He sucks. Really really badly. Not only does he have physical limitations, he had absolutely no idea how to use his ability to its fullest potential.

But that hopelessness just drove your curiosity upwards even further.

"Oi ~ - Your hand snatched the game away from Dazai.

"Ah ~.. I was just about to lead my character into the most amazing death trap ever too - !.." Dazai whined, flopping on to his desk.

"That's not the point of the game.. - " Your hand and eyes phased back to your body, as you sat up, prepared to deal with Dazai.

"Dazai - Would you lend your new toy to me .. - just for a little while - ?" you smiled, somewhat unconvincingly as your smiles were threatening.

"Ooh ~ So you had taken an interest in him too - ? " He smirked.

Ahh - .. !! That's why you really didn't want to ask him for anything - who knows what Dazai may demand of you - ?

" - I would lend him to you - .. but I somehow don't feel the motivation to you know ~?" He shrugged, eyeing you as you could feel a chill going down you spine.

"As my senior you should be able to pull a few more strings ~" .




"..." You stared at his shining eyes, is this going to be worth it?

"Fine.." You sighed, pulling out your phone as dialed a number, murmuring a few orders before snapping the phone shut.

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