Michizo Tachihara (Part 2)

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Everything is burning

I can't feel my arms.

Why are all these secrets flowing into my head.



I need to get out.


Ah shit I really messed up big time.

The floor is spinning this is probably not good

You managed to follow the moonlight through a small cluster of trees, then collapsed onto a patch of grass, bleeding from numerous cut wounds and one or two bullet wounds.

You looked back at the ARC, seeing the underground pathway which you escaped from exploding, you thanked your lucky stars.

With what functioning common sense you had left, you ripped up your complimentary hospital gown (and small plus for being tortured and experimented on) and tied them over your wounds, trying to stay alive and not die from extreme blood loss.

"..I have to get to a hospital"

You attempted to stand up, only to have your legs tremble like a new born fawn's and collapse once again. You were also pretty sire from the extra pain that it caused a few wounds to open up further.

"When I asked my legs to last 'until I get out of the ARC' this was not what I meant" you sighed.

If I stay, I'll die slowly and painfully. If I move, I'll also die but faster and with extra pain.


"Dying faster sounds great-!"


"But wait- if I die without passing on the information to Boss-san then all this would be meaningless."

".. I have half a dress and lots of blood."

You contemplated the idea of using what clothes you had left to write something that you didn't think anyone would see.

".. I better be getting a fancy funeral for this.." you grumbled, then proceeding to dip your second finger in blood, inking out the message in code on your clothe.


"This actually looks pretty neat-!" You sat back, satisfied with the bloody penmanship.

Taking the cloth by its ends, you made sure not to let your wounds come in contact with the clothe, otherwise the blood would stain the message.

Pinning the cloth to the ground with rocks and the ends, then half burying it and using a stick to mark the spot, you finally sat back in exhaustion.

Guess I have to start moving

You rubbed your arms to warm yourself up - despite being right next to a burning structure, you could still feel the full impact of the night wind on your naked body.

You inched your butt out of the clearing, reaching the forest of trees where you forced yourself to half-stand, grabbing onto the trunk of the trees, hauling your feet behind you.


After what seemed like more than a few minutes, you looked behind you, only to find that you have travelled only a 100 meters.


This definitely seemed more hopeless than before. At this rate you would only get more lost than make it out of the forest.

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