Edgar Allan Poe

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"I'm home - .." you sighed, entering the doorway, placing your shoes on the rack, shutting the door behind you.

As a ball of gray came hurling straight for at your face, you bent down, holding your arms out for Karl, as he snuggled into your embrace.

"Ow..- owow ..! We really have to get your nails cut soon-" you slightly winced from Karl's nails digging into your skin as he climbed up your arm to your neck. Once he found his comfortable spot (wrapped like a scarf), you headed to the bedroom.

Creaking the door open slightly, you saw Poe with his back facing the door, immersed in his writing. Exchanging a knowing glance with Karl, he hopped of your shoulder, as both of you tiptoed up to Poe.

"-BoO- !"

"wAhAgH !!" Poe spewed out some incomprehensible words, as he reeled backwards in surprise, his hand hitting the ink pot on the table, as the ink pot landed on its side, with ink splattering out. Miraculously, no ink hit the book, which caused you to breath a sigh of relief, before realising that ink was seeping out of the pot, pooling around the overturn container, and inching, slowly, quickly, towards Poe's book.

"Nononoo- " you lunged for the book, at a futile attempt to save the story which he had been writing for months. As your unbalanced stance caused you to fall onto a panicked Poe, before your vision being gradually covered by Poe's cloak, you caught sight of a quick gray blur.

Struggling to unwrap yourself from the black cloth, (and possibly elbowing Poe a couple of times), you finally were out of the darkness, lying on the floor and making out a silhouette surrounded by lens flares. You blinked a couple of time at the sudden change in light intensity, and saw Karl holding on to the notebook, without a drop of ink on its surface.

"Yes - ! Good boy Karl - !" You pumped your fist at Karl, who hopped off the table and into Poe's lap, dropping off the note book, before scampering up next to you, rubbing his slightly wet nose on your cheek.


"(Y/N), -" Poe broke the silence, his voice still slightly breathy from you knocking the wind out of him.

"Yes -?" You sat up, inching over to Poe, sticking your face into his field of vision.

"- Welcome home." Poe, lifted himself up, moving in closer to your face as he planted a quick, chaste kiss on your cheek. The tips of his ears slightly redder when he pulled away.

Brushing your fingers on the slight imprint of his lips still left on your cheeks, you smiled, "I'm home ~"

Poe so pure. (⺣◡⺣)♡* Actually when I started writing I had other idea for plot, but somehow it progressed to this really short thing.

I'll try to update twice a month yes.

Also I try to cover all characters before writing multiple oneshots for one character, but Dazai & Chuya are too nice to write for darn it.

Also we hit 1k !! ۹(˒௰˓)۶

Thank you and I'll try to be better as we go ! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

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